Struggles on the Home Front

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Class A was silent as the day began. They had seen the news. War had begun between the United States of America and Japan. Countries were rushing to either side, blowing all of it out of proportion... and they realized that heroes were also being deployed to the front lines. Endeavour alone already routed several US naval vessels by himself, while other heroes were busy arresting US citizens as potential spies. Pony Tsunotori from class B was detained due to her time in America. When Aizawa entered the room, he wasn't surprised by the somber mood. "Good. You appreciate the gravity of the situation. An unspoken role of heroes is that they are government enforcers, being the one branch that can use their quirks freely. Heroes are considered major players, so anything that can take them down is highly valued. Thankfully, you all have not been considered for deployment, due to the fact you are first year students. Unfortunately, if things get any worse out there, the Hero Commission may turn their focus onto the reserves they consider you to be. Class 3 of Heroics here at UA will be joining the fighting in a week. I will let you know in advance if and when they will call upon you. Class dismissed."

After school, Hizoshi walked back with Ochako to their home. She had moved in as well, as it allowed her to save money she could use on a better diet. Thinking about the future, the brunette spoke first, breaking the silence. "It's scary what's going on."


Turning to the violette, the zero gravity heroine asked, "Do you think we'll be drafted? The US already announced they were enacting their drafts."

Even though she could speculate... Hizoshi didn't know. "We'll ask Izuku. He's likely to know."

The cyborg girl had to conceed that. "That's true..."

As they walked, the sky turned orange as the sun set. Fall was turning to winter as dusk approached earlier and earlier every evening. They already were wearing long sleeves, and both had thematic scarves... within the allowed perameters of UA, of course. Even with the cold weather protection, they could still feel the bite of oncoming winter.

They were almost at the woods when Ochako noticed a red dot on Hizoshi's forehead. Confusion lined her features for a split second before eyes widened and the cyborg quickly grabed her friend and carrying her out of the way. They hid behind a building as a bolt of energy flew by. Hizoshi realized what this was.

"Damn, and I thought Aizawa's tests were hard. Follow me quickly."

She nodded, then gasped in surprise when the violette activated one of her lightsabers. They ran, Hizoshi deflecting the bolts that whizzed by them. They eventually made it into the woods, and she deactivated her blade to hide.

Izuku, on the other hand, was laughing as Sierra sniped at them with the new rifle she'd been given. It was both a test for his two hero course friends, on their reaction times and agility, as well as a test for the equipment. The pinkette already was completely qualified, and she wanted to make sure that the rifle was "broken in" before she used it in the field.

As she continued to fire blue bolts of energy, the sniper noted: "This rifle handles very well. Lighter than normal ballistic rifles. The shots have a bit of a delay... but that can be worked around. Are you sure shooting at them is fine?"

The greenette nodded, smiling. "They're doing remarkably well on the uptake. Besides, they're hero students, and should get used to this. Don't worry. Just don't aim to kill."

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