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Ochako Uraraka was now, officially, scared. She watched as Allmight and Stars & Stripes fought on live TV, although nobody seems to know what happened to them after the news crews got shot down. Villains were getting even bolder as the conflict went on, since heroes were rerouted to the war effort, and it was completely terrifying to see villains start to take advantage of the chaos. The Decepticons in Japan mobilized, causing further mayhem. Heroes now had orders to kill any villians for resisting, and she, along with all other UA students were ordered to stay on campus. There were no reasons to leave anymore, after a dormitory system was established.

Civilians also arrived to UA for protection, as it was built like a fortress. Nobody in or out, especially after the USJ debacle. It was an ingenious system that allowed them to be safe while the heroes fought and killed any wayward villains still in Japan. While it wasn't the less than infamous League of Villains, as they reportedly disappeared from the underground long ago... Well, as far as her teachers knew, anyways... but there were forces moving in the underground, preparing for the aftermath of the war.

A war they now had to fight in.

Aizawa didn't honestly know how to breach this particular subject with his students. Snipe had broken down when delivering the new to his class, especially since many of the ones he was forced to send off... didn't make it back. Knowing that this was highly likely to happen to his own class, he would have to tell them the bad news as the first announcement. Entering the room was almost creepy, as all eyes were immediately on him, and all voices were silent. The only noises that could be heard were the faint sounds of villain attacks. The biggest threat to Japan at the moment, came from within, not from outside. And that was why this announcement was so terrible. "I hate having to say this, but they are now drafting hero students of all years for combat duty."

There was a sharp intake. Everyone dreaded that, and now knew that this war was far more real than any of their previous encounters with villains. Especially since this conflict appeared to kill off their greatest hero. If Allmight couldn't survive war, how could they?

Make no mistake, he really drove home the reality of the situation. "I hope the lessons I drilled into you will help you survive. You are capable hero students, but should not be dragged into this conflict." He sighed before moving on, The first wave of deployments are..."
Then he started listing names. Each student somber as they were called.

"Tenya Iida." He tilted his head down.

"Kyoka Jirou." Her eyes widened, with a single tear running down her face.

"Momo Yaoyorozu." Shocked, she held her mouth closed as she started to cry.

"Denki Kaminari." The blond angrily looked down at his desk. It was well known that his father was killed in the line of duty a week ago.

"Bakugo Katsuki." He, unlike the others, grinned in anticipation. Ever the battle crazed maniac, he was clearly ready to kill and maim with his quirk.

"And Ochako Uraraka." She gasped, her throat dry as this is what she was afraid of. Unlike Hizoshi, Ochako still had her family. If she died, who would help them?

Aizawa continued his speech, with immense weight behind his words, "At the end of the day, you all will report to the auditorium, where Nezu and a government official liaison with UA will give you the information you will need for your assignments. You are the first wave. The others will follow after in the next week. Class B is in a similar situation. I do have news of some of the third years already there. So far, only the Big three have survived so far, although Tamaki Amajiki is currently wounded. Do not be excited for this, Bakugo. War is hell."
Present Mic entered, and tried to cheer them up, but failed miserably. In the end of his lesson, he too was in tears.

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