Understanding What Threatens You

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Izuku arrived at his teacher's beckon, "Yes sensei!"

He immediately started by showing a projection of the machine currently residing above them. Inko was confused by the sudden change in topic, but listened regardless. "I scanned the ship that nearly flattened you two days ago. It is a Trade Federation owned Vulture Droid. A light and nimble fighter, but without a hyperdrive for faster than light travel. It's memory banks indicate that it was shot at a battle in the Naboo system 8 years ago. That brings me to the relevant conclusion: Your world is not ready for the galaxy."

The green haired boy filled in the blanks: "You're concerned?"
And he nodded, "Indeed. That ship is used for blocades for tariffs and debt collection. If the beacon ever functions properly, that wreck will bring the Trade Federation here. And the Nemoidians heading the faction will be eager to find a... less advanced civilisation. It means free slaves for them."

Inko, horrified, asked, "They would enslave us?!"

Revan confirmed that unfortunate fact, "They attacked Naboo, invading the planet under the flimsiest of pretexts. They are a cowardly race, raised to be ambitious as a Sith, and hold no qualms of subjecting an easy target."

Izuku sighed, "Even if I try to be a hero... it'll all be for nothing."

"You can be a hero to your people. Learn all I can teach you, and unify your people. That is all I can advise."

Inko's eyes narrowed with suspicion. After all, this was just counter to what he'd said not too long ago. "You want my son to take over the world? Is that your scheme?"

Revan, to his credit, didn't break under that lethal gaze. "I can only say what is on my mind. The old me would have absolutely tried to manipulate Izuku, but I am not a copy of that man. He was a dangerous Sith Lord, consumed by hatred."

The green haired woman asked with a statement, "You speak as if they were two different people."
And the hologram answered her question: "That's because he was. The Jedi may have replaced his memories, and banished the corruption, but not his connection to both sides of the force. A connection I remember and cherish, because without one side, the other cannot function. I should start with a quick background of each major group of force users... the Jedi and the Sith. The Jedi order used to be about balance with the force, much as I believe. They were called Je'daii. Then, a splinter of them relied too much on the Dark, consumed by their anger, greed, and ambition, were exiled to the world of Korriban after a bloody war, forming the Sith order, who believe that the dark side of the force is the only way. Meanwhile, the Je'daii "reformed", casting aside emotions in an effort to cast away the dark. They've been at each other's throats ever since. Although, my recent reports from the rest of the galaxy indicate that the Jedi order won in their crusade, I believe they changed their tactics. The Sith love deceit."

Izuku was far more interested in the potential of the Force: "So, the Jedi use only light, the Sith only dark... there aren't any in between?"
"Not that I'm aware of. Certain individuals may dabble in the dark, but 99% of Jedi stick to the light only."

He was slightly dissapointed by the fact that they didn't use "Right..."

"Anyway, I believe the best news I have, Young Izuku, is that your mother is also Force sensitive."

"She is?" He looked at her with shining eyes. That meant they had the same power, and a deeper bond than even he knew.
Revan confirmed this. "The force often manifests itself at a young age. They saw her ability with telekinesis as her quirk, and labeled it as that."

That was an acceptable answer to Izuku, who just said, "Ok."

"Now, Miss Midoriya, I would like for you to meditate, as your son did. Reach out and try to commune with the force... while Izuku, I want you to..."

The next two months were of intense force training. Izuku learnt how to master the light side of the force, using inner peace to perceive his surroundings, lift objects 10 times his size, and even how to heal wounds or even produce what was known as 'Electric Judgment'. Inko kept pace with her son, even giving tips for controlling telekinesis, an area she knew well. Revan congratulated the two of them.

"Very well done. You both have proven to be fast learners and great students... but now comes your biggest test. We will begin using the dark side of the force, learning their techniques, their strengths, weaknesses... Are you ready?"

Izuku was resolute, "I am." While Inko was less so: "I'll do it."

"I advise that only one tries at a time, that way they can be stopped if you go too far."

"I'll go first." Inko volunteered before Izuku.

He was surprised by the action, "Mom?"
Revan was less so, but listened as she explained her reasoning. "This is apparently dangerous, and I don't want you to be at risk."

"Very well. The dark side of the force is based on exerting your will on the force through powerful emotions. Due to the training of the Jedi, many fail to control their emotions due to repressing them. The emotion often relied on is Anger, but any emotion can be used in this process. You will focus on the emotion that is most powerful for you. Use it to unleash your will unto the world."

She focused her worry, despair, and fear of the world, but balanced it with joy, to try to keep herself in check... but it didn't quite work.

Darkness flooded the room, the lights dimming. "She is not in control of her power! Izuku, try to send some of your own to her! She is tapping into too much without any prior warning!"


Izuku reached out with the force, visualizing himself as showing a beacon to her, burning away the dark... and it receded. She collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

Revan used a small droid to scan her, "She is hiding too many doubts, too much sorrow and pain... she was not a good candidate to start with. The dark side can corrupt those who have burdened much in their lives. Many Sith are consumed by their torment... but she is alive and well."

Izuku thought on his own life. "Is... is it guaranteed to corrupt?"

"It is a high chance, but I am proof that it is not certain. Darth Marr was another who did not fall to ultimate corruption either. The Dark Side is a tool that is tough to master, but extremely powerful when used well. Same with the light, although there are no mental strains with that side."

Izuku still watched his mother's form as ancient robots carried her to the medical facilities in this observatory. "I see..."

Revan gently advised a different approach for the time being, "Perhaps, it is time that, instead of the dark, we focus on another part of your training, one that is crucial for your development as a force user: the construction of your lightsaber."

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