Cynical Intervention

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Hizoshi Shinsou did not trust a single person in her class. She may be in the General Education course, but they were just as... ignorant and arrogant as the hero classes. Her long, purple hair was unkempt, flowing down to her waist. Violet eyes scanned the room, dark circles highlighting her own insomnia. She sighed, bored with the class... and looked out the window, watching as the hero course did training exercises. This is so unfair... The robots at the exams aren't fair. They don't represent actual people... Her thoughts were interrupted by Present Mic calling on her. "Shinsou! Can you tell me what conjugate verb to use in this sentence?"
Turning to the source of the volume, Hizoshi looked over the whiteboard. The sentence on the board was: ___ can be a hero! Can't you choose a better sentence right now?! Really?! In English, the violette replied: "You?"
Grinning wildly, the loud hero nearly deafened the class with his praise. "Correct! FULL MARKS! Now, onto..."

She sighed again, The world has a cruel sense of irony.

When the bell rang for lunch, she walked over to where the Class A students were. They had been attacked by villains, and had the most experience... it was only natural to investigate her competition before the Sports festival... but when she arrived, what she heard from the mouths of the "hero" students disgusted her. A crowd had formed with similar ideas to her own, but they just showed outrage. No coherent thought behind it. If she had the lead... she'd show them.

Then, the main instigator spoke. An ashen blond who looked like someone shit in his cereal, and acted even worse. "This mob just wants to see those who'll crush them in the sports festival. You all know it's pointless to try, so why don't you all fuck off?"

This is who UA thought would be a great hero?! Have they lost their fucking minds?!

Moving to the front, the violette started to speak: "I can only speak for myself, but I came to see what you were like. The supposed next generation of heroes... and you disgust me... your arrogance is astounding... and this..." She gestured to all of them. A common tactic to conflate everyone with the worst amongst them. It was no doubt effective. " who they pick... did you know that a lot of us here didn't get picked because we couldn't possibly pass the test? Well... we can always earn a spot in that class if we do well enough in the sports festival... which would kick one of you out." She grinned sadistically. "So continue to be arrogant... it'll make our test easier..." She turned, leaving them behind, and heading to the cafeteria... to another lonely lunch, sweetened by the satisfaction of what just happened.

However, a large man sat opposite her normally empty table. They had many arms, and one seemed to have a mouth come from it, which he talked through. His voice made her realize that he was, in fact, just a student. Not that the uniform didn't tell her that already. "Hi, I'm sorry for how Bakugo acted towards everyone... he's always like that..."
Hizoshi's eyebrows quirked upwards. "You're from the hero course?"
He nodded as he looked down at his food. One of his... hand mouths ate from it, while the other spoke. It was an... odd quirk. But that made him more interesting to her overall. "Yes."
"Why waste your time with me?"
His response was simple and to the point. "Because I could tell your words came from rejection earlier."
She was taken aback. Panicking slightly, she adamantly denied the statement. Her own tongue was tripping to come up with something. Words were her weapon, and right now they failed. "What... I don't..."
But, instead of jeering... he was... comforting. As if he understood. Which, given his appearance, was no doubt the case. "I was discriminated against as well because of my quirk as well..."
Accepting this, she nibbled on a piece of chicken. "Ok..."
Shoji nodded, "UA's not so bad about this, but I did feel... isolated... compared to everyone else."

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