Shinsou's Capstone

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Ochako awoke in a strange place. She was resting in a bed, but they were not at UA. Confused, she tried to move, but then soon remembered why. And realized that this must be a hospital of some kind. Oh... my legs won't work...

A hologram powered up, and a robed masked individual appeared. Startled, she threw the only thing within reach, a glass of water. It went through him, clattering and shattering on the floor. Revan sighed, "I apologize for the distress I caused, but please don't throw things in here. I would prefer if we didn't make a mess."
Glaring at him, she demanded to know, "Who are you?!"
He bowed slightly, introducing himself in the process. "I am Revan. You went unconscious right before you were delivered here. Izuku will be here shortly. The woman you know as Recovery Girl couldn't heal you with her quirk, so he offered my assistance. You'll be happy to know that the process is heading along nicely. The cybernetics are implemented, just awaiting initialization."

There was... a lot in that statement. Especially the last part. Cybernetics...? "What...?"
Standing straight at this point, the holographic man thought. "Perhaps I should get a familiar face... IZUKU! YOUNG SHINSOU! YOUR FRIEND HAS AWAKENED!"

The door opened and the two people he called entered the room, followed by a woman with green hair, who was clearly related to Izuku.

The green haired boy asked as soon as he entered the room, "Ochako, are you feeling better?"
"I'm fine... but where are we?"
Izuku answered, "You're at my place."
"Ok." That relieved Ochako somewhat. Not some weird hospital, but the home of a friend. That was much better, in retrospect. But there was something that "What did he mean...?"
To his credit... he didn't mince words. Izuku was to the point, and almost too blunt. "Look, the injury you recieved from Bakugo broke your spine like a matchstick. There was no way to repair the damage... but I have to tell you a secret. One only everyone else in the room knows. You're my first friend, Ochako. Can you keep this quiet?"

Unsure of what this had to do with her condition, the brunette accepted that. "I can."
He was still serious, asking for a vow of proper silence. A promise: "Do you promise?"
She felt as if the weight of the world was asked of her in that moment, although she didn't know why. Izuku was never this serious with her. Meeting his glittering emerald eyes, she agreed wholeheartedly. "I promise."

Accepting that, he started. "Good. I'll start with the basics... don't worry, it's all connected to your recovery procedure, but I need to explain the context. Revan here..." he gestured at the hologram, who tilted his head in acknowledgement. "Had to replace a part of your spine. He is an advanced artificial intelligence created as a mind copy of a man named Revan. The tech used would be considered... standard by the wider galaxy."
She couldn't believe it. "You mean to tell me... that a piece of my spine... was replaced with robotics from space?"
What made her head spin was when Izuku said the next sentence. "That's the short version."
Ochako voiced her opinion, "I don't even know what to say..."
Shinsou spoke up, "You could start with a thank you to Revan. It was all his work."

"Right." The normally bubbly girl turned to the hologram, lowering her head in respect, her voice following suit. "Thank you for healing me."

Meanwhile, the AI brushed off the gesture of thanks. "It was nothing, my dear girl. Of course, you'll need to get properly calibrated to it, which should take the weekend. This will give me time to see if there are any issues in the hardware."

She couldn't honestly believe it. She suffered a career ending injury due to her explosive classmate, and yet she'd be right as rain after only a weekend of treatment? It sounded completely unreal. A ressurection of her own ambition soon followed. "I'll be back to normal? But what will everyone say?"
"I cleared this treatment with Recovery Girl first. Everything's taken care of."
"Ok..." She shifted the topic of conversation, "Who won the festival?"
Hizoshi smugly replied to that, "Who do you think?"
The brunette, fully smiling, congratulated the winner among them. "Good job! I can't wait to see you in class!"

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