A Tour for the Fair Lady

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Izuku was panicking. A girl had followed him to his new (secret) home, and now was thinking he was a weirdo. And, he heard what his mother told the violette... and felt even more embarassed. She wasn't like that! But, in the end, she surprised him by not wanting to leave. "Um... maybe a tour first?"

She didn't say anything, and just met his eyes. Not able to maintain eye contact for long, he turned to gesture to the entire room.

"Ok... Well, this is the main hall... Follow me..."

He went through the door to Hizoshi's left, and found a standard kitchen/dining room. "Well, this is the start of our living space. Small Kitchen and dining room. It's usually just me and mom here, so... not much to really say." He showed her the living room just beyond, and then the two used bedrooms. "And this is my room..."

It was plain, without any hero merch one would usually expect. Instead it had a stand with sci-fi looking armor, and modern technology. On the bookshelf was a bunch of glowing blue cubes and a couple red pyramids. They were translucent, with light eminating from the inside. There was a metal cylinder in front of them. She had no idea what they were, but they were... interesting. That was the word she'd use. Interesting.

However, the violette did note the lack of hero apparell on the walls. "No hero merch? Most kids have some."

He shrugged, giving a resigned explination. This was clearly a sore spot for him. "Well... I wanted to be a hero... but I was disqualified. So... I have to help people in other ways."

That shocked her. With what she'd seen of his quirk, it was considered perfect for heroics. A powerful telekinesis. How could he be... "Disqualified?"
He rubbed the back of his green haired head. "I... well, late bloomer is the closest thing, I guess... they saw that my file said quirkless, and my abilities seemed to look like multiple, so they accused me of being in contact with a villain... Although that was kinda weak. I think one of the teachers just vetoed me... and didn't want to say why."

Curse quirk descrimination. Midoriya's a good person, he would've been a good hero. "Oh..."
He smiled, trying to play it off. "Don't worry about it. You didn't know..."
The silence between them was awkward until Izuku thought of something. "So, how does your quirk work?"
Shinsou slowly explained it, bracing for him to change his mind about her afterwards. "I ask a question, and if people answer, they become susceptible to my mind control."
What he said next genuinely surprised her. Especially because... it didn't make sense. "Really? Because your power seems a lot more like mine than that."
Before Izuku could elaborate, a hologram whirred to life, and someone interrupted them. "Izuku..."

Shinsou jumped away from them, nearly yelling as he appeared behind them both, and she was clearly unnerved. It was a random person appearing behind them, of course it'd make her jump... but Izuku didn't. 

"My apologies for surprising you, miss..." He turned back to Izuku. "I have a today's report. Your father has contacted his associates in the US and everything is on schedule. Inko will be coming home tonight, and from what she says, he is lucky to be alive."

He didn't know what to say... at least in front of her. "Um... thanks... wait, one thing before you go!"
The hologram turned back to him, "Yes?"
"Can you do the same test to my friend here? Her power feels similar to my own."
Surprise laced the hologram's voice. Clearly whatever was happening was unexpected, even for him. "Really? That can be arranged... I'll go prepare the console." He flickered away.

Shinsou was suspicious of what was going on, "What test?"
The greenette explained, "It'll just scan you. Mom and I both have the same power, and he..." Izuku gestured to the holographic man, "Revan, taught us how to use it."

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