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OOM 5403912 was a captain in Admiral Vuko Uokay's fleet. Having just received a field promotion, and words of encouragement, it was ready to lead this invasion force. And was proud to do so. As soon as its metal feet 'felt' the first crunch of grass, its holocommunicator pinged. Not leaving it waiting, as his Admiral, Vuko Uokay was on the other side. "Have you made landfall?"

The droid scanned the area around it

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The droid scanned the area around it. "Yes sir. They either have not seen us or chose not to meet us here."
The nemoidian nodded, and gave further orders. "If you do encounter them, let me know immediately. Your orders are to head towards the city 3 clicks from your position. Our objective is in the forest immediately outside it. Report only after that objective has been completed."
It nodded dutifully, "Roger Roger."
The hologram switched off as the droid captain stowed it away. It sent a broad range order along through in built vocal communicators. "Alright. Everyone, get in formation. Primary units flanking armor. Heading to designation 42235. Auxiliary units are to remain in transports until use. Move out."


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Sierra Hatsume watched as the droid armies organized themselves. Some were on hovering devices speeding ahead, while their heavy armor also floated off the ground... at a slower pace than the single unit vehicles.

Izuku spoke in her earpiece, eager to hear more. "What do you observe?"
She tapped the camera, clearly not used to the more... personal touch he had in mission control. "Is my head mounted camera not on?"

However, he merely replied with his own thoughts. "It is, I just want your opinion."
That was new. Often times, clients would just tell them to do something and report later. Nobody had really cared about her opinion in this line of work. After all, she was just a gun, and a great shot. Nothing more, nothing less. "Well, they have an inner row of heavy armor, with armored infantry... or are those robots?"

He corrected her, at least with terminology. She didn't much care for the specifics, but if he did, then she would pay more attention to that. "Battle droids, but yes."
"They have command units, denoted by color. The one in charge here seems to have yellow coloration."
And now the reason for his care became clear. She could see things he couldn't. "I can't see any difference due to the distance, yet you can. That is good to know."
However, instead of dwelling on that, the pinkette focused on completing her task. She noted: "The gunner droids in the tanks have unique green coloration. If they are destroyed, they may be unable to use the tanks."

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