The Truce

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Vuko Uokay watched, teacup in hand, as Izuku looked over the final text. One line at a time. They had taken their time to discuss every aspect, every detail that would be required. It was tedious and thorough. But necessary. Vuko watched him, and waited. They both knew that Izuku had no choice, but he was just buying whatever time there could be... but it wasn't enough. Soon, he reached the end, where the signature was required. To the nemoidian's silent delight, the Revenant asked, "How do I sign?"

"Here." He passed a type of stylus, used for the datapad that he was given. Izuku accepted it, and brought it close to the screen... when the two commando droids from outside entered. Their voices were noticeably deeper than the normal series of battle droids he had fought before. "Sir, Republic Ships have entered subspace and are engaging our fleet."

That was concerning. But, it might not matter if he could just get them to sign. "How many?"
"Early estimates indicate a larger force than our own."
The alien got to his feet, "Have them prepare for my arrival, I'll..." However, there was an unusual sound, that of a type of ship. Several of them, and rapidly approaching their position.

The neimoidian ran outside, and Izuku and his companions followed. He was glad to have not signed it yet, as they found the garrison under attack from a white armored opponents. They were led by three individuals with lightsabers. Izuku smiled, Just in time. They must have landed here because they could sense us.

Vuko realized that, not only was he outnumbered, but he was also now behind enemy lines. The Republic had landed walkers, and they were tearing through the meagre defenses of his scarce forward operating bases. It was a complete, one sided slaughter, due to the fact that they were unprepared. However, the attacking force soon noticed them, and set up a perimeter. In a panic, the alien told his droids, "Blast them!"

They had no chance, as they were shot down very quickly. Vuko had turned to run, but found that he was unable to. The younger of the two new men smiled, holding his hand out. He didn't harm him, just made him float with the force. He stopped struggling, finding the gesture useless. Being turned around, Vuko recognized the jedi. "Generals Kenobi and Skywalker. If you are here, that means that Grevious was routed at Kalee."

"Indeed." The older man said, amused. "You know, the last time I saw you, you chased us from the Dagobah system. Now, we've caught you like you caught us."
"Well done, I suppose..." A clone with orange highlights walked over and placed what Izuku assumed was cuffs on him. However, their attention was turned to the robed individuals. That being, Izuku and his companions. Their eyes narrowed, as they saw the lightsabers on their belts. The younger, alien girl was the only one to not be immediately suspicious, but still had a serious expression. However, the man with the ginger beard turned his attention to the robed and masked individuals. "You three... why do I sense the dark side of the force coming from you?"

Izuku sighed, "Probably because all three of us can use it?"

The three jedi readied their stances, the young girl clearly wanting to say something, but not wanting to jeopardize anything in front of her superior. That was respectable, to be unwilling at least.

"We do not have to fight." Izuku said, his voice level. If the situation escalated, getting the Republic would have the opposite intention. "I am not your enemy." 

They remained standing apart for a few moments, and the Jedi were willing to attack before there was a girl's voice, "STOP!" It was then that Ochako Uraraka got between them, "Don't fight!" She was breathing heavily, having just ran a long distance to break up the tension.

Sighing with relief, the masked greenette called out, "Ochako, you're alive!"

"Sorry I couldn't contact you. They hit the communications on your ship."
Relaxing his stance, Izuku nodded, "I see. So these are the reinforcements you were able to find?"

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