Underhanded Tactics

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This Admiral is changing strategies. He's cunning, and knows what he's doing. He's trying to see the extent of my control... but I control everything. He looked over the map. The Federation fleet had set up several drop sites around the world. And Izuku countered on every front, as per his protocol. As he planned his next move, there was communication from one of the sieges. Well, siege is not the right word, as the droids couldn't be starved out, but they made sure that no droid could leave without getting blasted. However, what they reported was far more interesting. A droid came out unarmed, and approached the site. It held a disc similar to the ones Izuku used for holocommunications. So, Izuku was heading there, to speak with the droid in person. While not the Starrunner, this prototype would be useful. While in transit, he contacted Ochako. Her form shimmered into existance. "Yes, Izuku?"

Time was of the essence. This opportunity wouldn't come again. "If you are going to go on your mission, go now, while I have the attention of the Admiral. There won't be a better chance."

Understanding immediately, she sighed, "Very well. I'll miss earth, and you." She lowered her head, ending the communication.

"I'll miss you, too..." Izuku whispered, knowing it was too late to tell her, but still voicing the sentiment.

Please be safe.

When Izuku called, Ochako immediately rushed to her class. "Alright. Everyone who is coming on this mission... now is the time. We've been given permission to launch."

Hizoshi sighed, "Well, it was good to see you. I don't know when I'll see you all again." She waved. "Also, goodbye Sierra." The pinkette waved as she entered the spaceship. The force user left, not looking back, as they all entered the space ship.

"Wow..." Kaminari was amazed by it. There was enough room for all of them to be comfortable, and it was highly advanced. Ochako went to the front of the ship, where a droid of unique design waited for them.

She said the passphrase. "Izuku says the time is now."
It's voice was tinny, and it acknowledged her command. "Understood. Putting in coordinates. Warming up engines. I will announce when we are ready to depart."

"Thank you." She left it to its devices, heading back into the main area. Everyone was ready. "So... this may be your last day on Earth... anything you want to say?"

Iida was first, "What is there to say? When I envisioned the future, I never thought I would be going to space or fighting alien robots." He laughed slightly, although nobody els. "After thinking about everything that has happened, I realize that the Revenant was just doing everything he could, given the circumstances. I don't envy him, I just hope we can get back."

Many others said similar sentiments. Of how they understood what needed to happen, and that they hoped they could return, for family, or for other things. After their shared bonding experience, Ochako turned to Sierra. "What about you?"

"What about me?" She asked.

"Don't you have anything to come back to? Family?"
"Well... not really. I'm an orphan. My mother's relatives are in Japan, but I doubt they would wish to see me. My cousin used to be the only one I was connected to, but she's too into machines to notice that I've been technically "missing" for years. Either way, it does not matter."

Before Ochako could dispute that negative outlook, the Pilot's voice echoed throughout the ship over the speakers: "Attention, all systems are green. We are ready for departure. Please remain seated until we are in space."

When Izuku arrived at the place, Izuku approached the droid. "What is your business?"
"Admiral Vuko Uokay wishes to speak with you." It pulled out a holoprojector, and it sprung to life. He saw the face of the Nemoidian. This wasn't his first encounter with Vuko, but it was as the leader of the world. So, he had to maintain secrecy on that front. His voice changed by his mask, Izuku greeted him. "So you are the one known as Admiral Vuko Uokay."

In a more clinically logical tone, just like when he had unknowingly ordered his death, Uokay replied. "And you, are the Revenant."

Crossing his arms, the greenette asked, "So why do you want to talk?"

And to his credit, the alien's point made sense. "Because we are in a mutually malignant stalemate, and I wish to discuss the situation in person with you."

Nodding in understanding, Izuku replied with finality on the topic. "That is fair. When would you like your appointment?"

Meanwhile, Optimus Prime stood tall as he watched the enemy's base. He, with Stars & Stripes, was relocated back to the US to deal with the main landing point there, located in the midwest due to its flat land. However, as he was watching that, an explosion happened behind him. Turning, he saw Soundwave's aerial form jet by. "We are under attack!" Pulling out a pistol, he fired a few shots at the Decepticon before he was knocked down by a different force. Getting up with a hiss in his pistons, he looked and saw Megatron. "Megatron..."
The garrison they were surveilling were on the move, now advancing their army. Most of the Earth forces were now busy defending themselves, so Optimus was alone.

"It's just you and me, Megatron. One Shall Stand..."

Megatron said the last part, "One shall fall!" He charged, his hand changing into a long metal blade. He lunged quickly, attempting to pierce his armor directly at his heart, but missed due to Optimus dodging out of the way. In response he grappled his older brother, throwing him back towards the garrison. He raised his arm, firing a shot which Megatron barely ducked under. His left arm changed into a large cannon, which he fired, knocking Prime's pistol from his hand. Looking back, Optimus brought out a superheated blade, jutting out from his right wrist. He met Megatron's attack, and they clashed back and forth. Everyone was fighting, led on by the titans on each side. It was an even attack, and would remain in stalemate for right now.

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