The Faction in the Shadows

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The anti-air batteries were going at full speed. As they arrived, Jeanist, being the highest rank, issued orders. "Bakugo, your job is to defend the anti-air guns. Kill anyone who threatens it."

"Don't object to my orders! There's much more than your pride to worry about! Creati, Earphone Jack, help secure the Northern and southern perimeters with Mt. Lady and Rock Lock. Kyonshi, you're with me. We'll defend the eastern flank."


They rushed to their positions. As soon as Ochako and Jeanist left line of sight, Bakugo's screaming and explosions could be heard. When you let loose the bomb, of course it's going to starts cursing.

However, there were far more soldiers than there should've been, and they were picking off the Japanese side. Reinforcements were trickling in from the coast, but not fast enough. Uraraka couldn't help but think back to the Sports Festival. These odds were just like hers back then. And it gave her an idea. Dashing everywhere, touching rubble, and letting it float towards the sky. Soldiers on both sides ignored it, as it wasn't doing anything yet. Just as she reached the first ton limit, she let it go, crushing all who were beneath it. Since the US forces were on the offensive, they were the primary receivers of the attack, as they had maneuvered right under it. Screams, crushed skulls, and dented metal could be heard from the effected area. As she was about to act again... something exploded next to her and she was knocked unconscious.

A Few Hours Later:

Momo Yaoyorozu held her breath as she kept out of sight from the enemy. While the gunfire had stopped five minutes ago, she couldn't be too sure. After all. That meant either two things: that everyone else was dead, or, more likely, that they had killed their last opponent, and were looking for any other threats. Even if it was just a hero in training. She didn't want to die to a shot in the head atop a corpse strewn battlefield. Staying quiet, she manuvered out and towards better cover, seeking to just survive now, think about the future later. All the ravenette could see were bodies, bullet casings, and ruined buildings. The surrounding forests were heavily damaged, and could hide any number of enemies... but her thoughts were interrupted by a hand on her shoulder. Nearly jumping, the heiress turned to see... Jirou, shushing her, and glancing around. The violette survived the battle, mostly unscathed. Momo was speechless, while Jirou could only say: "Aizawa was completely right."

She summed up the slaughter perfectly. Everyone had fought to the last, which meant that almost everyone died fighting. The floor was covered with bodies, and they were unsure if Ochako or even Bakugo were even still alive.

"Y-yeah..." However, just as she was about to continue, they heard a strange hum. It sounded like an engine, but wasn't anything they'd ever heard before. Staying hidden, they watched as large angular vehicles descended on the clearings, and soldiers exited off of ramps. They wore armor that they'd never seen... and didn't have American or Japanese flag insignias on them. Quickly, they scanned everything: The environment, the data terminals, and everything in between. Even bodies. The vehicles they arrived in lifted back off the ground and headed inland, towards another destination.

They heard a commander, who called out to his troops. "Alright, anything useful?"
A soldier, wearing the strange white armor, replied, "No sir. They haven't been established enough."
"Ah well. It was worth trying. Gather up the gear, and check for survivors. Give them mercy." That was ominous in itself, and the two agreed silently that they didn't want to know what his mercy was.
"Yes sir!"

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