The Week Long War: Resolution

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Izuku called together all of the world leaders together in America. Nezu, the Japanese, American, and British representatives still looked at him with reservations, "Now that everyone is on the same page... let's discuss defensive strategies for when the Federation does arrive. If you continue to work with me, we can supply weapons and armors to you..."
The American representative narrowed their eyes. They had spotted a clear detail, a place for distrust to form. "Not any ships or walkers?"
And, Izuku immediately set to dissuading that. "Well... to be honest, I need you to earn my trust first. I have no idea if you joining..." He looked over all of them. " genuine or if you're trying to betray me later. I want this to be in good faith, but I know that if I give this kind of stuff to you now, then you will use it against each other, tearing us apart before we can even interact with the wider galaxy. But, I promise to never use them against you if you help me with this now."

That seemed to satisfy them for now. Nezu asked, "So, what is this 'big threat' that you've been trying to unify the world against?"

"As I showed everyone before, this ship..." He pulled out a holographic device. " part of a much larger force. After splicing into its systems and translating the data inside... it turns out that they have enslaved less technologically advanced planets... just like us." That made everyone stop and horrifically realize what he was inferring. Aliens actually exist, and they can be hostile. Were hostile. "And since the droid itself has a distress beacon, calling back to the rest of their forces... they will arrive soon." That was the icing on the cake. They knew where Earth was. This was terrible.

Nezu asked, lacking the knowledge to make a logical decision, even with the help of his quirk, fished for more. "Soon? What makes you say that?"
"Well, it focused all of its repair functions on the beacon itself. The estimated time of completion is..." He checked a calender. "It was yesterday, actually."

The holographic projector beeped for a moment. It was Revan. Better to disguise him under a different occupation then mentor. "Oh, it's my best engineer. Let me take this real quick..."
Revan's form shimmered to life. "Ah, Revenant, I hope I didn't catch you at a bad time?"
"I'm just in a meeting with world leaders. Can you make this quick?"
"Sure. The beacon just went online. It spent some extra time reinforcing the connections."
"Very well. Thank you for the update."
It flickered off.

"So, the beacon is now active. We won't have much time. The earliest they could arrive is in at least 2 days, or it could be a week, given the distance. Prepare to defend your nations!" He quickly turned and left the room, going to his ship, leaving the others to converse.

The next two days were a blur to everyone. The world's governments were re-arming, preparing for conflict... but from what? That was the question that lingered in Class 1A. All of them had survived the war, most going MIA on the front lines. They had no idea where Shinsou, Momo, Uraraka, Jirou, and Bakugo were, as they were considered MIA as well.

However, at the front gate to UA, Izuku waited with his friends, Momo, Jirou, Uraraka, and Shinsou, as they waited for Nezu to open the gate. "It's surreal coming back after all that's happened in the past few weeks."

The rest agreed, while Izuku spoke, "I want you all to be able to reconnect with your friends. I also want to see the hero class that lived up to my expectations."
Uraraka nodded, understanding that this would be a huge event. After all, this wasn't him just visiting as a friend, but Emperor of the World. A huge difference. "Alright."

Nezu was surprised to say the least when he met Izuku at the gates. "I heard you wanted to visit UA, but I didn't think you'd... bring back many of our students..."

And the reply he gave was immediately laced with a half truth, even though it did explain where they were. "Unfortunately, I didn't hear anything about your student Bakugo Katsuki, but these, with the exception of Shinsou, discovered the facility I was at. I offered them my... hospitality. Obviously, due to the... sensitive nature of their discovery, I couldn't have them leave quite yet. Now that everything is where it needs to be, I can have them return. I'm sure their families will be quite happy to see them as well."

The mammal agreed. "Right."

They arrived at the dorm building. Nezu opened the door with his ID, and they all entered. Everyone was already trying to relax, but tensed when they saw Izuku and Nezu.

Iida was the first to respond, "Principal! What... what brings the two of you to our dorms?"

Izuku laughed, "No need to be so serious. I was just bringing back some friends of yours." He gestured behind him, and everyone was shocked to see all of them. "You're all alive?!"

The green haired boy agreed, although he gave a performance of an apology. "I apologize about Katsuki Bakugo. I couldn't find him, but I'm sure he'd be happy to be here..." The class looked at him with a deadpan expression. "Right? No? Alright. I also wanted to apologize for startling you at the USJ a year ago. My assistant and I were not there to hurt or attack you, and apologize for the inconvenience."

The class looked at each other and back at him. They collectively whispered amongst themselves, until Denki replied, "Well... when you say it like that... thanks?"

"Ah well... it's allright..." A beeping noise interrupted them. It was his holocommunicator. This had to be important for Revan to contact him directly. "Sorry about that, I have a call."

He accepted it in the room, and it was Revan. Everyone that was not in his inner circle were amazed by the hyperadvanced tech. While they had seen holograms, they were 2d, and very, very rudimentary. Only once for the results of their quirk assessment tests at the beginning of the year. "Sorry to interrupt you, but we have a problem."
Izuku sighed. That tone indicated only one thing. The worst outcome. "Let me guess... here already?"
He nodded. "Yep. Must've had a garrison nearby. Probably Kalee, as it is the closest system to ours."

The class listened intently, Nezu especially as they lacked context. The robed leader continued, "Right, are they at Earth, or edge of our system?"
The hologram replied, "At the edge for now, but they're making their way here."
"Right. See if you can find out anything more about them. I'll have to get everyone to combat alert status. Any predictions?"

"They're currently doing bioscans on every planet. It's likely that they will target the areas with the highest concentration of people..."
"That means the largest cities... such as Tokyo... right. I'll let the nation leaders know." He deactivated the holoprojector, and turned back to the class... "Sorry that my visit is being cut short, but it appears that this time of peace is already ending. The Trade Federation has arrived in the system, and it is very likely our fight isn't over yet."

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