Aggressive Negotiations

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The Tactical Droid in command of the Invisible hand was watching the battle play out. He was stalling for time, but it was clear that that time was running short. It was then that all hell broke loose. The Prisoners escaped, with the senator from Naboo. They had split into two groups, and their plan was deceptively simple. Reclaim their ship. Destroy the tractor beam. Escape.

It barked out orders: "Send Droidekas to intercept those headed to the hangar. Commandos, move to intercept the group headed to the tractor beam controls. Make sure they do not damage them. Incapacitate if possible, otherwise, eliminate them."
"Rodger Rodger." One of the bridge crew issued the orders.

The Tactical droid continued: "Remind them that if they fail, destruction is preferable to the General's Wrath." The droids hurried with that command, but time was running out...

Padme Amidala was leading the unique group towards the position of the tractor beam. Commendered blaster aimed ahead, she entered the next room and found what she was looking for. "Right. We're here."

"What do we need to do?"

The senator got to work on the "Well, I'll need to shut it down... just make sure nothing interrupts me..." The senator approached the console, and started to type into it.

Meanwhile, Sierra used a new adjustment, a wrist mounted grappling hook, to get to a high angle, where her skills would be best utilized. Meanwhile, Tokoyami was checking the door at the other end of the hall, and Hagakure was making sure that their exit was clear. As she typed, the senator heard clanking down the hall. It was confirmed when Tokoyami said, "We've got servants of the soulless darkness here! Different model!"

Ochako called out, "What do they look like?"

"A bit bulkier, but naught too extreme. They have..." He jumped back, just in time to avoid a blow from a one handed sword. "Blades!"

It was lanky, just like the normal models, except the head was snubbed, and the eyes glowed white. They were made of a dark grey metal instead of beige. There were two more behind the initial attacker, and the hero students were forced to defended themselves.One immediately got shot in the head, dropping their equipment. Equipment which the others put into use, as Tokoyami immediately picked up the blaster and knocked down another droid. It was still functional, and so Dark Shadow roared, and tore its head off before it could move.

Meanwhile, Hagakure had stolen a sword from one of them, and decapitated it before it could react

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Meanwhile, Hagakure had stolen a sword from one of them, and decapitated it before it could react. Ochako grabbed its body and threw it, using her quirk to make it barrel down the hall and into a group of five more. However, the ambush's impact lessened as the group of droids began to co-ordinate. Hagakure had dropped the sword in the confusion, which was just as well, since they had lost her. They had optical sensors, and nothing else. They passed the invisible girl by, as she carefully and quietly picked up a blaster...

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