Heroes Properly Ressurected

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Over the weekend, Ochako recovered without issue. When Izuku came back to his home after his "buisness", that being freeing the Decepticons from custody, everyone was already asleep. Except for Revan, of course. "Were you successful?"
The greenette nodded, although he was subdued. "Yes. They seem to respect me."
He noted the word choice, and kept that in mind for later. The AI would be sure to make contingencies. "Good. Ochako is healing well... but she has more questions. Do not be surprised if she asks you about the stuff you didn't tell her."

Pulling off his helmet, Izuku sighed, "I'll keep that in mind. Any news about the others?"
Revan's voice was clear, but quiet as he explained. "Inko has reported that AFO's other contacts are still sending more villains to Japan. From what I gather, the Hero Public Safety Commission is having problems even keeping it from reaching a boiling point, and the National Diet itself is contacting the US. I advised AFO to send Japanese villains to the United States to stir up further tensions."
Accepting this as necessary, the greenette spoke up. "The UN is meeting in two days. Is there a way to interrupt it while blaming the arising conflict?"
"There may be... I'll ask Inko to look into it."

Nodding, Izuku said, "Thanks. I'm going to bed."
The hologram flickered away as Revan also bode the boy "Good night."

The next morning, Izuku stretched, and started with his morning routine. Early meditation, to center himself for the day, getting dressed, not in his robes for... less than savory operations, but casual clothes, and cook breakfast for the two... no three of them. He had to take care of Ochako, too. So, with a spare plate of pancakes, the green haired boy entered the medical wing, on a mission to see Ochako. As he arrived, she was doing stretches of her own. Getting used to the implants, and feeling if there were any problems. Revan had assured them all that there weren't, but one could never be too sure. "How are you feeling?"
"Just like two days ago! Before the fight, anyway. I can't believe I can walk again... after..."
Setting down the pancake plate next to her bed, he said, "Don't think about it. "

She looked thoughtful, before stating what was clearly on her mind. "Can I ask... What is your Quirk?"

"I knew this would come up." Izuku rubbed his forehead slightly before he beckoned her to follow him. "C'mon, let's go to a more comfortable place first. This will be a long story..."

When the three of them were settled in Izuku's living room, he started to tell his story. "Hizoshi only knows a few bits and details, but most of this is new to you both. Let's start at the beginning. Everyone has quirks, right?"
Ochako, confused with retreading old ground, agreed. "Supposedly?"
Hizoshi didn't speak. She knew this part.
"Well, you both know I wasn't born with one. For 14 years, I appeared quirkless to everyone. You both know this. The truth is, I'm not a late bloomer. This power of telekenisis, lightning, etc.... They're all a part of my connection to a living field: the Force."

"What?!" Ochako was shocked. A power that wasn't a quirk? That didn't make sense! "How?!"

"I'm not too familiar with how it works, but only that it does, and that I can manipulate it in a variety of ways."

With that context, the brunette had nothing else to ask. If even Izuku didn't have all the answers here, she wouldn't be getting them any time soon.

He continued to elaborate. "Hizoshi also has a weaker connection, same with Mom. Revan taught me how to use it, and I taught them."

"So... Revan isn't just a doctor with a hologram quirk?"

The greenette nearly laughed at that. "No. In fact, the thing is, he's older than any human on this planet. He's an A.I. from space. And gave me the backdrop on the rest of the galaxy. We're definitely not alone. And some factions have more... malicious intent." Izuku pulled out a device, and a hologram flickered to life. It was the vulture droid. "This is a highly advanced droid starfighter. It's repairing itself, currently. So far, only Hizoshi, Mom, Dad, and myself know about this."

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