A Mother's Concern

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Today was the day Izuku would start his training properly... and he promised to introduce his mother to the one who would train him: the A.I. of Revan. Packing her purse, she asked Izuku, "What kind of man is he, this Revan guy?"

Izuku described his best qualities, as if he described him too much, she would definitely get suspicious. "Strong, old, wise. He has a similar power to my own."

Inko nodded. Even though she was telekinetic, she was able to access it instantly. Perhaps this 'Revan' had a similar set of experiences to Izuku. Either way, she was relieved to hear that much, at least. "So that's how he's able to guide you! I'm glad this mentor is a positive influence... I'm all set!"

Izuku stared at her choice of clothes. They were buisness apparel, with heels. They would be walking through a forest. "There is no car park by this place... and it won't be like what you will expect..."

She nodded, "Alright. I'll keep an open mind." Izuku knew she had no idea what was going to happen.

They walked together for 10 minutes until they reached the path, Izuku carefully navigating down towards the clearing where the massive droid was. Izuku skirted around it, carefully warning his mother. He whispered to her, "Careful... that thing will attack you if it sees you."
Inko, shocked, had to try to control her voice in opposition to this, "What is that thing?!"
Izuku replied, telling her, "That's the 'meteor'."

"That's what almost crushed you!?"
"Yes... here. Down the hill." Carefully helping his mother down the slope, they made it to the flat earth below. Izuku scanned the area until he found the door once again. Locked.

That's right, this is my first test. I have to open it with the force.

Raising his left hand to it, he used the force to find out what mechanisms were inside the door... but found that they were simple, easy to manipulate with his limited capabilities. And so he turned his palm to face up, and pushed the mechanism up.

Inko was amazed that her son could lift a door with his mind when he couldn't do anything of the sort just three days ago. A feeling of pride swelled up in her chest, and she was about to hug him when he started to walk through the open door. She followed close behind, not wanting to lose sight of him in the dark... when soft orange illumination turned on. "That's new."
Inko was concerned about that alone, "You didn't have lighting in here before?"
"This place is... ancient. I wasn't surprised there weren't lights on."
They arrived into a main hall, and Izuku looked around in surprise. "This whole area has been... remodeled..."

The same figure lined the halls, robed with armor and simple mask. They held a sword downwards, toward the floor. Meanwhile, the door at the far end opened. Izuku walked forward confident, unlike anything Inko had ever seen, and so she followed, attempting to keep up with him. That's when she saw him. Revan. Dressed like the statues in the previous room, but translucent, and blue.

His voice was warm and easy to listen to. "Well done, Young Izuku. I knew you could do it."

The boy smiled, "Meditation did help."
"I knew it would..." He looked at her. "Who is this?"
Izuku bowed in respect, replying, "My mother. She wanted to meet you."
Gesturing around, he welcomed the green haired woman, "Welcome to my observatory, Miss Midoriya. I am Revan."

She was surprised, especially considering he was an AI. "You're... different, to who I thought you would be."
"A mother's concern for her son is always admirable." Even if he wasn't a living being, he sure had a way with words.

Even still, she had to know why her son in particular. "Why take an interest in Izuku?"
"Ah, straight to the point." He gave a direction to Izuku. "Can you go prepare for training through some meditation? Your mother wants to have a chat with me first."
"Yes, sir!" Izuku left the room.

When he was sure that the boy was gone, the hologram sighed, turning to her, "I have no plans for him. He is my first student in over 200,000 years. I wish to impart my knowledge in one who can use it properly."

"What are you?"

He explained, the hologram's voice patient. After all, he was the one that had to convince her that the training would be beneficial. "I am a digital copy of Revan's mind, set to observe this world and document its unique circumstances. He was Deralian... you would probably call him, and I, aliens, but he was actually human. With a very powerful gift, which has also manifested within your son."

"What is it?"

"He has a strong connection with the force, an energy field shared by all living things. Those who can tap into this power are rare, and those who do not train to use it are often consumed by it. His late connection with it has spared him that fate so far, but there is much to be done to make him the best he can be."

Inko appreciated all the help he'd done. She had seen the life spark back in her son's eyes, and now, at this time, had no complaints for it. The green haired woman thanked him, "I want to thank you for giving him hope. In this world, if you don't have a quirk, you are thrown away by society... and your training could give him what he needs to live a decent life."

He agreed, "Your world... no offence... has slipped into madness. The rest of the galaxy does not have quirks, and if they ever found this place... your world would be put in its place very quickly. I will not say any more, as Izuku should hear about this too, but before I call him, can I ask a favor from you?"
She nodded, "You are doing all of this for Izuku... but if I find out that you are using him, I will find a way to put you into the ground. Understand?"
"Perfectly." He shuddered, knowing not to get in the way of a mother's love.

Inko asked, "What do you want?"

He gestured to a console behind his holographic form, "I would like for you to put your hand on the console before you. Izuku has already done this. I wish to test your connection to the Force."

She did what he asked, and he responded immediately. "Just as I suspected... you both have a strong bond to the force. If you want, you can join in the training sessions. There are lessons I cannot teach without a physical body, so you would be a great help with training him."

Inko realized that she would be put in a greater position to help Izuku, and agreed on the spot, "If it's for him, I'll help."

He nodded, his helmet hiding any potential emotions, "Good. IZUKU, YOU CAN REJOIN US!"

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