Moving Forward

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The 5 Decepticons had been captured, with Endeavour taking down the leader himself. Toshinori and Tsukauchi also arrived to interrogate the 'leader', due to their circumstances. When they entered the large warehouse where they were stored, they couldn't help but be a little intimidated by the size. If they had tried fighting them as they were now, they would have lost.

The leader laughed as they approached. They were small in his view, and hardly imtimidating. Especially the blond stick figure. "So... you're to be my... interrogators?"

"If that's how you want to view this, Megatron... Just know that you won't be going anywhere, anytime soon..." Tsukauchi looked over the file they had on the villain. In response, Megatron laughed to himself.


DATE OF BIRTH: 1/23/2582


HISTORY: There is no information on the parental figures, except for the fact that the Decepticons are biological brothers. They are wanted for 59 first degree murders in states across the US, and for thousands of other petty and grand crimes including: Grand Theft Auto, 302 accounts of Destruction of Private and Public Property, 132 counts Arson of the highest degree, killing of 48 herds of animals belonging to private interests, 21 counts eavesdropping across the states of both Oklaholma and Illinois, consistantly pronouncing Arkansas incorrectly, dismemberment and mutilation of a corpse.

DESCRIPTION: Can transform into any vehicle of his choice, however his humanoid form is much larger to make up for that fact. He can create weapons from his body, favoring a large arm cannon as his primary mode of ranged combat. His cybernetic body makes him and his brothers immune to mental quirks, and they have the capability to scan and catalogue anything, making them incredibly intelligent on their own. Prefers more alien/unique vehicle designs. In charge of the Decepticon gang, made up of a set of brothers with the same quirk, albeit different sizes. He is the oldest, followed by Soundwave, Blackout, Barricade, and Bonecrusher. He, and the rest of his gang, do not see themselves as human due to their radically different appearance and abilities, however, samples of the metal contain traces of human RNA. Due to his cunning, leadership qualities, and strength, he is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. 

Was captured by Stars and Stripes on 6/10/2610, along with the rest of the gang, sentenced to life in prison.

PRECAUTIONS AFTER CAPTURE: Freezing within Ice allows for prolonged "shutdown" modes, however, know that they regain function above 119 Kelvin. This applies for all of them.

ADDENDUM 1: There is a younger brother recently discovered in the basement of their hideout. He is in rehabilitation and currently wanting to pursue heroics.

Why the hell is he here then, in Japan? The detective handed the file off to Toshinori to analyze while he started to speak with the subject of the file. "Alright, did you have a reason for the chaos yesterday?"
He laughed. Or did the robotic version of one. "Because we wanted to!"

My quirk doesn't work on him. I can't let him realize that. He quirked an eyebrow, in disbelief. "Just for that reason?"

Well, sarcasm is a part of his verbal repertoire. "Of course, this is part of my elaborate plan which I plan on conveniently telling you."

The detective sighed, taking off his fedora. Stepping closer, his voice level as he approached the villain, "Alright, if you won't tell us what you're after, then can you tell us how you even got here?"

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