First Step into the Dark

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Today was the day. Inko had already taken the plunge, and was mostly recovered. Well, her personality had a shift towards the dark, but she wasn't at risk of harming him. Now... it was his turn.

Revan was upfront with the dangers, "It is necessary for you to face the dark. Pure reliance on the light side will blind you to what the Dark can do. They both co-exist, and are integral parts of the force. Are you ready?"
"I am."

"Then begin your meditation. This time, pour your emotions into your meditation."

Izuku, sitting in a meditative position on the floor, began. First with peace, then by putting through the emotions that haunted him. When he opened his eyes, he was in a pure black void.

He turned to see a dark version of himself. "Is this what mom saw...?"
"I am what you could be if you give in to the dark side."
Izuku was, ultimately, confused, "But why would I do that?"
"To have the power to deal the pain you have received back upon your accursed world."

"But that is pointless."

"If you will not join me willingly, then I will make you!" The Dark Mirror extended their hand, trying to crush Izuku beneath it's sheer power.

Izuku, in response, pushed back. "I will not submit to you!"
The standoff happened for just under a minute before Izuku pushed them back, bit by bit until they stopped.

The being murmured, "You have the will... and the power."

Panting from exertion, he asked, "This... this was a test?"
"Yes. Everyone perceives the 'Dark' as this unstoppable force... when it's not. We are not evil. Just emotion, repressed, sealed away by those who claim to be 'connected to the will of the Force'..." The Void lightened, becoming grey in color. "The force responds to how it is perceived. When people called parts light and dark, so too the force itself changed. You know better, and can use both parts. You have the potential to change the galaxy... but now, it's time for you to wake up."

Izuku opened his eyes. His mother was hugging him, clearly distraught. "Mom?"
"Izuku! What happened? There was so much darkness..."

The AI, unable to feel what was going on, asked, concerned, "What happened in your meditation, Young Izuku?"
The boy struggled to explain, "There was... a figure... what I can only describe as a manifestation of the Dark Side. It tested me... and judged me... worthy?"
"I see... that reminds me of a story from a Sith I talked with millennia ago. They had met with a manifestation of the Dark Side on Tatooine... a natural Dark Side nexus... I had never known they could appear to individuals without them first visiting a place. This world continues to surprise me."

"It... talked about the nature of the force... that perception has warped it..."

The armored hologram nodded, "I see... that does make sense to me. The force binds all living things, why shouldn't that connection influence it as well?"

"Are you tired?"
Izuku was determined, "No... I can keep trying."

"No." Revan stopped him. "You can practice that tomorrow. For now, help your mother learn some lightsaber techniques."


First thing in the morning, Inko asked Izuku, "How will we train?"
"With training blades. I used training tapes to learn the moves, but I know that not everyone learns that way. There are six forms of lightsaber combat."

"Is there one that is easier than others to learn?"

"That... is largely dependent on you, and what you find to be the best fighting style. I admit, I prefer form 3 because of it's defensive nature... but you may find another style works for you."

As Inko practiced the forms under Izuku's direction, he found that she gravitated towards a mix of forms 4 and 2, with its aggressive, yet elegant style, complete with fast movements aided by the force. It was diametrically opposed to Izuku, who preferred defense to offense.

During the week, Izuku helped her, through direct sparring, and giving pointers when necessary... until it was time.

Inko would build her own blade, just as Izuku did. The crystal was easier to find, and the process went smoothly. Her blade's hilt was shorter, designed for only one hand, as form 2 relied on single handed blade techniques, similar to a fencer.

When she activated the blade, it was wholly unique... black, with a white outline.

Revan spoke, analyzing the blade as Inko looked at it, captivated by it. "Fascinating... the last time a blade was black was a full Millennium before Revan's life. The only Mandalorian Jedi had a black blade... It symbolizes mystery, and an inherent connection to the Dark Side. A fitting blade for Inko Midoriya, in my opinion."
Izuku had to ask, "Fitting?"
Revan, ever the teacher, explained, "There is much you do not know, young Izuku. Things, even I do not know. But that is not what we are here to discuss. Celebrate Inko's lightsaber construction. I think your time here has made you forget how quickly time can pass. You have less than a week until your exam."
Izuku's eyes widened, clearly having lost track of time. "UA's entrance exam?! It's that soon?"
"You have spent months here, mastering your power. It is almost time to unleash that power for what you believe in. What do you want to be?"

Izuku thought for a moment, before solidifying his determination, "A hero for the world."

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