The Road to Hell...

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Tomura Shigaraki was resting after his injuries. Being shot was not a great experience, and if there was anyone there besides Kurogiri, he'd make his displeasure immediately obvious. However, he would recover... and gain the vengeance he so desperately wanted... as a villain, he'd get his chance. Sensei would be sure of it.
However, the silver haired man's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door being forced open. It was reinforced, designed to stop all but the strongest of heroes. Whoever this was... was powerful. Not to be underestimated... And in stepped two of his former USJ team. They were a distinctive duo, but nothing special... or so he had thought. Clearly they hid their strength.

Choosing his words carefully, the villain wanted to keep them under his thumb. "I'm... surprised you managed to get out of there..."
However, the shorter of the two, in dark robes with violet and green accents, spat at him. "Don't act dumb, Shigaraki. You left all of us there."
His voice leaking his inherent malice, the addressed villain explained his actions. "Tsk... I got shot, Kurogiri made the choice. I was so close..."

However, the robes man interrupted him, and his response infuriated Shigaraki, "Then perhaps I should get to the point, and bypass your excuses. Due to your incompetence, immaturity, and lack of direction, I believe that you are the worst person to have as a leader. Therefore, I am taking over control of the league, starting now."

Tomura snapped, wanting to grab at him... but his body wouldn't respond. As if fearing something beyond what was there. Instead, the villain spat back at the other villain, his enemy: "You'll never take it from sensei..."
The robed man sighed with disappointment, "So it was given to you on a silver platter. Expected, but still a disappointment..."
Before he could say anything else, however, a portal opened in front of them... and a man in a suit exited.

His voice reeked of hidden malevolence, and exuded power as he spoke, angered at their action: "You will not take my organization from me."
"Ah, I knew you would come... that makes it much easier..." Izuku waited to see what this 'sensei' would do. Grinning under the helmet, he knew that if he failed now, then he'd lose everything. And they would too, whether they knew it or not.

He started to move forward, before being blocked by Inko. She held him in place, gripping his heart through the Force.

Affected by a power that was both familiar, yet foreign, he tried to move. This only compounded the pressure on his heart. "Guh...."
Izuku was calm, asking simply: "Will you submit?"

"Damn you!" Shigaraki tried to get up, but was in no condition to attack Izuku, and he knew it.
All For One was undetterred. "Do you know who I am?"
Izuku feigned ignorance, for he knew who the man most likely was. The one who Revan warned him the most about. It was a game of chess, but with only words. "No, but that doesn't matter. What does... is the answer to this question: will you submit?"
"I think the answer's obvious, Raven." Inko spoke, clearly showing disdain for the man, while continuing to hide his name from them. He seemed to freeze after hearing her voice.


She thought she misheard, which was a fair response, all things considered. Glaring at the supervillain, her voice was dangerously quiet. "What did you say?"
Undetterred, the man asked outright. "Inko, is that you?"

With both robed individuals deeply confused, the black robed woman asked, "How would I know you?"
However, she did answer his question, even if she didn't realize it. Chuckling to himself, he switched his deception to a more... gentle tone. After all, if this was Inko... "So it is... I'm sorry you had to see me like this after so much time..."
Shock quickly wearing off, her voice deepened, and Izuku knew that meant certain danger. He saw what her mood would become when she spoke like that. The boy remained silent... while she barked harshly. "Get to the point."
The man spread his arms, warmly replying... something impossible. "I am Hisashi..."

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