Allmight Vs. Stars & Stripes

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Izuku's ship, named the Starrunner by Hizoshi, swiftly flew over towards the middle of the US desert. This was absolutely unprecedented, that Allmight, despite what he believed in, was attacking Area 51, and making sure that the base couldn't be used as a staging area. He'd never seen any hero go to war, and absolutely overlooked the sheer destruction that could be caused by Allmight himself. He shuddered to imagine if this kind of strength was used by a villain... which made him resent his father even more. Refocusing on the task at hand, Izuku noted that a substantial part of the facility was destroyed, and he could see Stars & Stripes fighting Allmight, routing him and forcing them into the desert. There were news helicopters already. People notice when Allmight is on the move, and a battle like this was unprecedented.

He tapped a button on his vambrace, calling Revan, and the AI's elegant voice responded immediately, "Yes?"

"Can you get me in contact with Dutch's crew?"

Revan was quick to reply and fulfill that request. "As you wish."

A moment passed before he could hear the gruff man's voice. "Whatta ya need?"
Izuku explained what he needed. "This is a perfect opportunity to infiltrate a US facility to gain more information. I want you to assemble a force to infiltrate the rubble of Area 51 and copy all relevant data. You'll have to take down some news helicopters as well, as we need secrecy. I'll need Sierra to watch over the fight between Allmight and Stars & Stripes."

Dutch was alert, and quick to respond after that. He was now on the clock, after all. "Right. I'll get her to set up a link to you."
"That would be appreciated. You know your objective." He continued to watch the fight, analysing everything he could. They're holding back their punches, speaking to each other... They have a personal history. I know Stars & Stripes says she was inspired and trained, but this seems more like a bond between best friends... The next hour, he witnessed his fighters swoop in and shoot down the new choppers, making sure to stay hidden in their blindspots. It's unfortunate... but I can't have them see what's happening now. Transport starships landed outside the ruined facility, engaged the remaining forces, and brute force their way into the facility. His crew was the best for this. He finally heard back from Sierra, who patched into his frequency. "I've made my position on the nearby mountain. What do you want me to do?"

He thought for a moment, before giving her directive. "Just observe. When the fight dies down, I'll assess the condition of both of them. If Stars kills Allmight, kill her. If Allmight kills her, kill him. If both are alive... hold your fire."

"Roger that."

Allmight continued to punch at Stars & Stripes, and she returned the favor. "Please, just surrender peacefully, Toshi!"

Stubborn as he knew Stars & Stripes was, Allmight answered back, giving her the same option. "I have to ask the same, Cathleen!"

The blond heroes, both number ones of their respective nations were at an impasse. It was the painful truth of war, that all bonds break once you are on two sides of the conflict. Stars & Stripes in particular was in deep pain about this. "We both know I can't!"

"Then you know I can't either!" Even with that proclamation, he felt steam start to rise from his body, with Toshinori panicking. Oh no... My limit! His adversary, however, took advantage of his momentary pause and socked him in the jaw, forcing him to go flying.

When she launched herself after him, she could tell something was wrong with him. There was no sign of the man she looked up to. There was no retaliation, which concerned her even more. Where he landed, there was a skeletal figure, wearing a really baggy hero uniform. He was far more injured than Allmight was.

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