Negotiations Pt. 2

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Izuku was tense, even though his robes didn't show it. His mask didn't betray his emotions, either. That was for the best, because General Grievous was an imposing figure, as he strode towards him, getting a better look. "I admit, with your reputation, you are... shorter... than I expected..." He coughed, before continuing, "but still a pain to deal with, Jedi..." He spat the word.

The greenette seethed. Just because they see me with a lightsaber, they assume. "I am not a jedi."
That seemed to surprise the alien. "Oh, really?"

Shaking his head, the green haired boy replied. "I have never met one, but based on the rumors I've heard... I wouldn't want to associate with them, regardless."

"Do tell..." The general was smug, if he was expressing such an emotion. It was difficult to tell.
So, he painted the Jedi in the worst light possible, based on what he knew. While it wasn't nice, they weren't here. "They kidnap children to indoctrinate, and the galaxy's just... fine... with that? How has there not been backlash?"

"The Galaxy is quick to brush practices like that under the rug." Vuko stated, nodding in understanding. He was taking the bait, and providing more dirt on his own side in the process.  "While I am not proud of the Trade Federation, the Republic did nothing during the invasion of Naboo."

That caught Izuku's attention. After all, the vulture droid that started all of this was from that battle. "I see..."

"You seem a bit more wise to the lies of the Republic and the Jedi scum." Grievous started, before coughing, yet again.

"I do like to keep an open mind."

"That is good..." Vuko said, while Grievous himself was shuffling under his cloak, until he chucked a small disk to the ground. Izuku recognized it as a holoprojector, and it whirred to life. It showed an old human, with a respectable beard. His eyes were full of energy, although they were a bit hard to see due to the hologram itself. He wore fancy, well tailored robes, and an embroidered cloak.

"Count Dooku... this is the leader of the new world. He is not a Jedi, despite his appearance... and is open to joining the Separatists." Grievous explained, while Vuko stood silently, head bent down in respect.

"I see..." The Count looked over Izuku in his entirety. He smiled graciously. "Well, I have to say you are very wise for being receptive to our cause."
Izuku nodded, clearly in a way that showed deference to the older gentleman. "I just do not want my people to fall behind. We are new to the ways of the galaxy. All I want is for my world to prosper. Can this happen with the Separatists?"

"We welcome new worlds every day, as the war expands." Count Dooku explains, as if rehearsed. "We can provide you with security and safety..."

"To be completely honest, Count," Izuku said in his most respectful tone of voice, all while interrupting what was probably a premade speech. "We can protect ourselves, if only we were provided the ships and... expertise... to do so. We could even help on the battlefield, as our world is used to war, having fought amongst ourselves throughout our history."

"I see." He thought for a moment. "We would be happy for you to join us. You have resources, and we can provide assistance with establishing a galactically standard infrastructure. Do we have an accord?"

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I would require time first. As the world is not yet used to a single ruler, I would need to get the approval of the nation leaders. I can get their response in 3 days."

He was obviously disappointed, but sighed in resignation. "Of course. If that is what must be done. I will require your answer then. Until then, however, I will need to attend to other things. Goodbye."

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