Dawn of War

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Ochako couldn't sleep. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she tossed and turned in her bunk as it swayed slightly with the sea. The hum of the engines didn't help her current jet-lagged insomnia. What would Hizoshi do?

After a moment's thought, she decided that the best course of action was to call Hizoshi directly. A few minutes pass before the violette girl answered, tired as usual. "Hey. They let you keep your phone?"

Ochako agreed, "We're still plodding along. Not there yet."

Sighing, the other girl asked, seemingly distracted. She had no clue of the actual time with the brunette, and was curious overall. "Ah. What time is it there?"

As if caught out, she hesitantly replied. "Uh... not sure. We're way past Hawaii though. You?"

After a bit of calculating... Hizoshi came to the startling realization that she should not be awake right now. Especially with what was coming the next day. "It's 5:00... wait, that means it's at least 10:00 at night where you are! You should be getting sleep!"
However, the girl just... couldn't fall asleep. "I couldn't..."
Still unconvinced, as it was her job to be the insomniac, not Ochako's, she tried to tell her, "Look, I know Jet lag exists... but you have to try."
"Ok. It's just, sometimes awkward with those cyber-things attached to my back. And we're in hammocks."
That made some amount of sense. She was still adjusting to them, after all this time. And hammocks just aren't very comfortable in general. "Ah. Well, just try to keep your eyes closed, ok? And keep that good luck charm. We'll be with you in spirit, alright?"
Determined, she replied, "Thanks. I'll try to get some sleep. Keep in touch with Izuku for me, alright?"

"I will, get some rest."

"Will do." She hung up. I should get some more sleep. Tomorrow's a big day.

Fog greeted the brunette as she walked out onto the main deck. Bakugo was already there, looking over the sea in front of the ship. She was going to leave when he called back. "I know you're there. I just want to talk a moment."

"Like I want to talk to the person who nearly ended my career."

He grunted, unapologetic. He didn't even say sorry, just justifying what he did, instead. "I got carried away. I just have a question."

When she approached, he started to speak again, not bothering to face her. "I know you're friends with that Deku, I just want to know: Why?"
Anger immediately started to simmer within when he avoided apologizing for what he did, but now it was getting even worse. In order to resist punching him here and now, she crossed her arms. "Wouldn't you want to be friends with the person who saved your life?"

He didn't respond for a moment, before continuing, "He's been a pain all my life. Then when I see that he doesn't even try anymore, it's just... so infuriating."
What she said floored him. After all, the world seemed determined to help the green haired nuisance, right? Right? It went at odds with his current worldview, in how he was overcoming everything he could to win. "Bakugo, he tried to get into UA. He would have passed if UA didn't ban him. He's been barred from almost everything he's tried to do. Meanwhile, you got everything, from what I understand: you go to the school of your dreams, become a hero, and now you get to fight and kill. It's everything you want, yet you're still not happy. Perhaps you should think about yourself before you go after him again."

The blond couldn't come to grips with it. "He hid his fucking quirk. He lied to me."
"He was a late bloomer! And based on your interactions with him, he didn't have to tell you anything he didn't want to! Do you have your head so far up your ass that you can't think anymore? You two ceased to be friends as soon as you started bullying him. You chose certain actions, and those actions have consequences. Deal with it." She stormed off the deck, leaving him to his thoughts. She was in no mood to continue this farce of a conversation.

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