Race to the Finish

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Ochako Uraraka did not know what to expect when meeting the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. From what she knew, it was a male, but it could be any number of aliens. After all, the galaxy wasn't just humans, right?

But she was surprised, yet again, that it was a human that answered the call. Robed in a dark colored fabric, she couldn't tell what color due to the hologram naturally being blue. He was elderly, but not overtly so. His expression was kindly, but there was something off to her. She couldn't pinpoint it yet, and just waited to see what would happen.

He spoke first, his voice easy on the ears, yet still that of a politician

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He spoke first, his voice easy on the ears, yet still that of a politician. "Ah, General Kenobi and General Skywalker, it is good to hear from you. So tell me, the battle of Kalee goes well?"
Anakin reported, "The first stage is complete. Grevious' fleet has been routed, and the planet is ready to be liberated."
"If only it were that easy." The Chancellor said. "Due to the blunders of my predecessor, the Kalee are not fond of the Republic. You may meet local resistance." He turned his attention to Padme. "Senator Amidala... I hear you had another run in with danger. With all of the times you narrowly avoided harm, I would advise you to return to Coruscant."

"Of course, Chancellor." She lowered her head in respect.

However, what he said next rubbed Ochako and Sierra the wrong way. "It's for your own safety that I insist."

It was then that he noticed the new guests. "Ah, and who might these two be?"

Padme gave a brief introduction. "Chancellor, these two, and the rest of their crew, rescued me. If not for them, I wouldn't be here to talk with you. They are on a mission of their own which requires your immediate attention."

He seemed surprised. "Oh?"

Uraraka swallowed her nervousness and started to speak. "Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, I am Ochako Uraraka. I was sent by my newly unified world's leader in order to get help against the droid armies which assault my home. We come from a world isolated from the Galaxy, and now wish to merely join it and not be taken advantage of."
The Chancellor spoke, outraged by what he heard. "A whole new world, under attack from the Seperatists? Have they no shame?"

The brunette spoke up, finally able to find her voice. "That is why we ask for your help. Our world would likely join the Republic if given the chance, and offer it anything it might need. We have capable fighters, being a planet constantly engulfed in conflict. We may not know galactic customs, but the Republic can teach us."

"You have traveled far, to ask for our help. In these desperate times, we have a duty to fight this injustice, and help any potential ally we can." The Chancellor said, "Anakin, do you know where their homeworld is?"
In response to the man's question, Skywalker turned to a blue and white droid sitting next to him. "R2, have you downloaded and translated the data?"

It beeped and whistled a response, before plugging into the main console, and bringing up a galactic map. It pinged the location of Earth, relative to their location.

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