Flight & Fight

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Meanwhile, the crew of the Starrunner were all set, a quiet anticipation settling in as the engines warmed up. Shuddering, the ship lifted up, and flew up tearing through the atmosphere. The positive students were all excited, while the more resolute just waited calmly. Sierra was the only one to be concerned, as this was the easiest part of the trip. As the sky darkened, the air thinned, and eventually gave way to space. The pilot droid announced to the cabin, "You are now able to walk and stand around the cabin." Ochako and Sierra both moved to the cockpit, looking at the path ahead. Their eyes widened as they saw the fleet ahead of them.

Comprised of well over 20 frigate style ships, the Trade Federation fleet had organized themselves into a blockade around the entire planet.

Ochako asked the droid, "Can you get us past them?"
The droid stated confidently, or perhaps in what Ochako believed was confidence. "I am programmed with every trick known to man. I can get us past them." The robot failed to answer the question, avoiding it intentionally.

"We have no choice but to rely on you." Sierra murmured.
The brunette replied, resolute on their path. "It'll have to be enough. I'll warn the others."

The pink haired girl nodded, while the droid thought aloud: "Data collected from enemy positions. Backing up Mind for safety."

Ochako remarked, clearly not enthusiastic by what was an admittance to uncertainty. "You could at least not say that part out loud!"
While the droid sounded nonchalant, they could tell that it was, in fact, quite nervous about this particular mission. "Apologies. I suppose I am what you would call nervous. This is the first test of some of my programming."

Ochako sighed, putting her hand on its shoulder, pinky up to avoid activating her quirk. "There is nothing wrong about that... but... it does make me nervous."
The droid didn't respond until after Sierra quietly got up and made it to the door. "... Noted..."

When Sierra went to the back of the ship, she found most of the students milling about. "Everyone." They turned to her, "Get ready to brace."
Kaminari, not the smartest bulb in the group, asked nervously; "Why?"
The pinkette explained calmly to sugrin of the crew. "Because we have to get past the enemy fleet before we can start the journey in earnest. We're about to get some heavy heat." She sat down and gripped a support beam, and everyone followed her lead.

OOM 9485210 was the captain of the vessel Indominator. It sat idly, waiting for commands. However, one of his bridge crew alerted him to a developing situation. "Sir, there is a new vessel on our scanners."

Without any real concern, the B1 captain asked, "What classification is it?"

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Without any real concern, the B1 captain asked, "What classification is it?"

"It is something I do not know. It seems to function as a shuttle..."

"Let me ask my commander." The Captian contacted the main ship, the Veteran's Duty. Instead of Vuko himself, the tactical droid responded to the call. It's voice was similar to an OOM series droid, but deeper. "What is it?"

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