The True Nature of Earth

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Izuku arrived at home, opening the door to his mother crashing right into him. She could be faster than Ingenium, the greenette swore. It was comforting to know that she cared so much. "Izuku, I was so worried when you didn't arrive home! What happened?"

Trying to breathe under the crushing hug, he tried to push off the explanation at the current time. "It's a bit of a long story... I'm not going to lie, I'm more than a little hungry. Is there anything to eat?"
She let go, beaming, "Of course! I started dinner after I called you. It'll be done soon!"

When dinner was served, Izuku explained all that happened, from his walk through the woodland path, the crashed ship, and his meeting with Revan, although he talked about him as a dojo master, instead of the A.I. he actually was. "...and the best part is, he gave me some exercises to do first. With his training, I could be a hero. He believes in me."

"That's wonderful!"

Izuku was determined to get started with this 'routine'. "I'm going to my room to try some of the breathing exercises first."
"Ok. I'm glad this mentor is a positive influence on you." She smiled, and went to the kitchen to clean the dishes. Izuku went to his Allmight covered room, and thought about what he was really wanting to do. This training... the force could help me be a hero... but is that what I want? I'll think about it later. Now I have to try to connect with the force again.

He sat down on his bed, sitting straight up and closed his eyes to focus. I have to reimagine that feeling, the calling... and then he felt it. The connection he had to the temple manifested again, but in a much larger way. It was as if everyone in japan was connected. He could visualize a web, connecting people to plants, to pets, to nature... all the way to the horizon if his eyes were open. Wow...

Inko Midoriya thought about all Izuku had told her. Why would he take that forest path? It's at least an extra 10 minutes at least... why not walk with Katsuki? Aren't they friends? Unless... they aren't... but that's not right. I would've heard from Mitsuki if they broke up their friendship. And this Revan fellow... I would like to meet him if possible. And the sudden meteor... how had nobody heard it? Or seen it? I know I heard thunder, but you would think it would be on the news... She finished the last dish. I'm going to check on him. He's taking this seriously.

She walked to his room, and quietly opened the door... and what was on the other side shocked her.

Izuku was meditating on the bed, but random objects in the room were floating. Did he just unlock his quirk...?! It's just like mine!

She watched as Izuku continued his breathing exercise for another two minutes, until he opened his eyes. When he saw his mother's shocked expression, he quickly turned to panic. "How long were you there?!"

"Izuku, how did you get your quirk? The doctor said..."

Unable to properly explain everything, he decided to push it to tomorrow. "I'll explain... tomorrow. I... I'm going to get some sleep before school tomorrow. On Saturday I'll bring you to meet him."

Still astonished, she understood that he needed time. And Inko was more than accomodating for her son. "Ok. Sweet Dreams, dear."

School was just as painful as the day before. The beating was terrible, but what Bakugo said to him broke any belief that he could save their friendship: "If you really want to be a hero, then I have some advice... go take a swan dive off the roof and pray for a quirk in your next life!"

Why... why would you say that?! I was so close, I would've done it if Revan didn't believe in me! Think before you speak!

He collected his thrown notebook, damaged by fire and water, and went to leave, heading a different path. I'll go to Revan tomorrow. It'll be Saturday then. As he left the tunnel, he heard a noise behind him. Out of the sewer grate, a sludge villain appeared, and zeroed in on him. "A medium size skin suit! Perfect!" He launched himself at him, and Izuku instinctively tried to run, but didn't get far.

As he struggled against the villain, Izuku thought about what could've been... he was about to give up when an iconic voice called from the tunnel. "Do not fear, FOR I AM HERE!"

A gust of wind knocked the sludge off of him, and Izuku stumbled to the ground. Allmight walked over to him, and helped pick him up. "Are you alright, young man?"
"Th-Thank you Allmight!"

He was jovial, "THINK NOTHING OF IT!"
Izuku started to speak, to ask a crucial question, "Can I...?"
But, Allmight rudely interrupted him, presuming something completely different to his actual intention. "NO FEAR, FOR I HAVE ALREADY SIGNED YOUR NOTEBOOK!"

Annoyed, he continued his question. He didn't dare show his annoyance to the man who just saved him, of course. "...ask a quick question...?"
The blond hero, of course, would listen to this request. "SURE!"
Izuku took a deep breath, before asking the crucial question. "Can a quirkless kid like myself be a hero?"
The hero pondered the question... and tried to be careful with how he answered this crucial question. But... what he said only confirmed to Izuku what he needed to do. "... Some villains... like him..." He held up the bottle, "Cannot be beaten without a quirk. It's just the nature of the world. It doesn't mean stop trying, there are many professions considered heroic, such as police, fire department, or medicine, but I cannot recommend it to someone without a quirk, one who hasn't prepared for it will die in the field. You can be a hero, but it will take a lot from you, and you'll only get so far."

Instead of being disheartened, Izuku became determined. "I... I see... thank you for answering that..."

The hero's expression was unreadable, but he shrugged, and held the bottle with the Sludge Villain in his hand, as to not lose it. "NOW, I MUST TAKE THIS VILLAIN TO THE POLICE! THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING ME!" He jumped away, bounding over buildings just like a superhero of old. Izuku thought about the response. It was sound, in his view. The sludge villain confirmed it. He needed to master his power, or else he would never be able to be a hero.

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