The Week Long War: America

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Endeavour only surrendered under protest. The heroes who had fought to the end were placed in a temporary containment area, as they were processed back into service. Hizoshi brought Nezu and Toshinori to him in a private room.

Izuku stated outright, "So, it's good to meet you two, properly. Thank you, 'Zoshi. Do you want to stay? Or are there things you need to do?"
The violette replied, a bit of pride in her voice. However, she did recognize that fighting was still going on. "I will need to do other things. I will go to assist the other lines."
He nodded, even though his voice didn't want her to leave. "Very well. I think that Gamma in the States are having difficulties. You know our protocols."
She nodded, "Talk to you later..." and subsequently left the room.

Turning his attention back to the two 'guests', and, considering all that had been going on, decided to let them ask the questions first. And Nezu was leapt onto the opportunity immediately. "How long have you had your influence with Hizoshi Shinsou? Are you telling the truth? What do you plan to do after?"

Izuku nodded. "Right, straight to business. Very well."

He chose his words carefully, as they still were technically enemies, even if the other side cannot fight back. "I have been friends with Hizoshi for a while. Longer than the sports festival. As for the other two... I am. I have been completely honest with you. And three, as long as we are able to defend ourselves from the threats up there..." He pointed upwards, "Then I will be fine to let everyone continue as is. The only things that need to change is public opinion on quirks and religion."

That was surprisingly... amenable for a world dictator. The mammal was surprised by his clemancy. "We'll... try... to work around your requests..."
Izuku could appreciate his help. Even if he wasn't doing so willingly, compliance was very much needed at this time. "Thank you. I'm leaving some of my subordinates here, but don't forget that we're now on the same side."

Meanwhile, in London, Inko and Hisashi Midoriya both wrought chaos in the enemy. Their forces were just as effective as the one in Japan, and it fell quickly. The last, and most stubborn target was the US.

Unlike Toshinori, Stars & Stripes was not heavily weakened, physically, from the previous conflict. However, unlike Toshinori, the US does not have the luxury of a castle to defend. The US was already under assault from within, as Izuku's facilities within the country could be easily accessed, and churned out troops and weapons at an astonishing rate. The west coast already fell, and reinforcements arrived from Japan. Now that reports are coming that Britian has lost as well, then it was just them... the US vs. the world.

Cathleen Bates watched as the walkers tore through their defenses, tearing down anything that could stand against them. The artillery was safe in the back, but whatever armor they were wearing protected them enough. It would be a bloodless, perfect victory for them. Everyone knew it, but still tried their hardest to win. The main force was headed by the Decepticons, ones that she, and Optimus Prime, their younger brother, wanted to defeat personally. The large mechanical hero intern stood next to Cathleen, "I am surprised they haven't shown themselves yet."


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