Inko's "Observations"

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Inko watched Katsuki Bakugo with cold, narrowed eyes. Her mask didn't betray her feelings out to the world, no matter how much she wanted to. She observed his combat style, direct, bombastic, and crude. Just like the boy himself. The other one was less observant, but didn't need to be, his quirk hardened his body. It was just the two of them. They beat the villains without really breaking a sweat... ironic considering the blond's quirk... and then Katsuki noticed her. The one thing she could give him credit for was his agression, and his observation skills in a fight. It was as if his brain worked overtime, finding threats to eliminate at all times. And during peacetime, there were no threats to take down, making him irritable.

Quickly dodging the first blast, she withdrew her lightsaber, but didn't activate it immediately. If she used the force to restrain him, he would recognize her immediately. So, instead, she would be relying on her blade. But not yet. Timing would be key.

His attacks were straightforward, and so she only redirected his attacks, making him fly off with his own momentum. Inko stretched as she waited for him to come back.

Meanwhile, Kirishima was watching the "fight" play out. She turned her attention to him. waiting to see what he would do. However, instead of attacking her quickly, the redhead stayed back. He was surprised when she spoke to him: "What, not going to charge me either?"

Infuriated with the taunt, he knew better than to charge an enemy he didn't know. Activating his quirk, he demanded to know: "What do you want?!"

Calm, her voice was steady as she flourished her lightsaber gripping hand. "I'm not here to fight... but I can defend myself... So what will you do?"

"You're not going to stop me from leaving?"

"Nope." She tilted her head. "But he won't leave me alone, will he? Will you abandon your friend to me?" Explosions could be heard as the blond made his way back to the two of them.

"It's your choice..."

Izuku, however, finally made his way to the end of the ruins, looking over the entire battlefield. He watched as Allmight took down the Nomu, slamming it out of the dome. He noted down every quirk he could see, but very few ultimately would have influence. By this time, the rest of the heroes had arrived, and the last of the villains would be routed. Shigaraki used Kurogiri, the warp villain, to escape. The attack was a failure for the League... but not for us. I've got the information I need. I just need to find Mom and get us out of here... Where is she...? Just then, a massive explosion sounded from a nearby building, grabbing everyone's attention.

That answers that question. He quickly navigated the ruins to reach the destination before the heroes.

Inko dodged to the best of her ability, but Katsuki had long trained his quirk. He was more than a force to be reckoned with, and it was clear that there was no easy way out. After all, she only had a week or so of proper training, and it showed. The robed woman was hit with a blast, thrown back into a wall, and he was about to punch her. Inko braced herself before realizing that the blow never came. Watching, she saw her son's bully ripped off by an invisible force, and with the life of him being choked out. The ashen blond tried to claw the invisible hand that started to choke the life out of him, but it was to no use.

And her beloved son's modulated voice met her ears, to the greenette's relief. "Of course it's you who does this... the one known to be aggressive, impulsive... a villain in hero clothing... how sad... I would end your suffering here... but then it would cause more problems for me in the long run." To Inko, Izuku said, "Let's go."

Nodding, she stumbled to her feet, lightsaber in her hand. "Right."

Izuku flicked his hand, sending Bakugo out of the window towards the other side of the building, to the horror of the redhead. Said redhead looked back at the two of them, as they completely ignored him, leaving. In this situation, he was powerless, even with his durability... and that deeply affected the hero in training. The duo could feel the redhead's doubt, despair and anxiety as he realized he could do nothing to stop them.

When out of earshot, Izuku asked Inko, "Where is the closest exit?"

Meanwhile, the older woman pointed in a general direction, while explaining. "The map of the place indicated there was an exit close to the other end of the Ruins zone."

Agreeing with their best shot, he reciprocated the feeling, "The heroes will be after us now. No reason to outstay our welcome." She nodded, and they moved quickly to their next objective.

When they reached the exit, they found their path blocked by Ectoplasm clones, 3 to be precise. They must have been sent to make sure no villains could escape. They are telepathically linked with him, so we must be careful. Izuku was first to try to make a plan, "We'll try to sneak out. There's no point fighting them."
However, under her helm, Inko was grinning. This would not only be a perfect test of her ability, but also "They don't know we're here. I'll try to keep it that way."

The green haired boy noticed her tone, "You want to take them down?"

"It'd be the easiest option since they're grouped."

After a moment, he then let her, "Then do it. I'll get the door."

Inko nodded, and used the force to leap to an upper vantage point. The clones stood in a triangle formation, surveying the area, but leaving their backs to the center. She waited a moment, then leapt, using the force to cushion her fall and silence the impact. Withdrawing her blade, she aimed it at one of their backs, and ignited it. In a quick dance, Inko cut all of them down, dragging it out of the chest of the first one, swiftly chopping the second in half before tripping the last one and decapitating them in one swift movement before they could react.

Izuku walked over. "Very well done. Ectoplasm doesn't know what happened because it was too quick. Turns out this door can be opened easily..." He yanked the door off its hinges with the force, and gestured forward. "After you."
She laughed slightly. "Such the gentlemen."

They both escaped out to the city.

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