Inko's Recovery

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Izuku was surprised, "My Lightsaber?"
Revan explained, showing a holographic version of his own blade. "A weapon so dangerous only one attuned to the force can wield it safely. A blade made of pure light, only able to be built through the guidance of the force..." it disassembled before the boy, who took in every detail, "...this observatory has most of the pieces, but it is up to you to find the most crucial: a lightsaber crystal. This core gem is what gives the blade life, and it's color."

"How do I find one?"

"Part of my observations included geographical surveys. Your planet actually has tons of them, under a different name: Quartz. Not surprising, since your planet is a force nexus... but the important thing is to find one that calls to you."

"That's going to be difficult..."

"The Force will guide you. It's preferable to get one that has a connection to you, but if you cannot find one, any crystal will do."

"I see..."

"But, before you build it, I have some training blades, and you can learn some of the moves from training holos. I have to attend to your mother, and make sure no negative effects remain. Hopefully you can show her the efforts of your training."

Izuku became determined at that, "Yes, sensei!"

Izuku spent the next week, when not going to school, perfecting and working on lightsaber techniques as his mother recovered from her exposure to the dark side. For three days, she was unconscious, and for the four following days, Revan would not let him see her. After day eight, Revan spoke with Izuku, interrupting his practice.

"Young Izuku... your mother has recovered from her exposure... and it is now safe to see her."
Izuku had been worried about her, since he had been refused access. "What happened? Is there a reason...?"
"Yes. She had fallen, but not far. I was able to bring her back to herself... well, mostly. The Dark side took its toll, but the recovery process worked wonders. Next time, I will teach you how to heal those afflicted by the Dark Side, but for now, give support to your mother."

The door to the medical wing opened, and Izuku couldn't believe what he saw. In the hospital bed lay his mother, who lost most of her weight, and her skin was much paler. Her green hair flowed down, her eye sockets ringed with a tired gray, but her eyes remained mostly normal: emerald green with a small ring of yellow on the inside.

She turned, and smiled once she saw her son. "Izuku! Come here..." She opened her arm, wanting a hug.

He ran over and obliged her. "You've changed so much."

Inko smiled weakly, "I know... but I think this is an improvement, if I'm honest. I feel much lighter, and freer than before..."
Revan flickered into the room. "There will be some... after effects... from her exposure to the Dark Side. You can already see some of it now in her eyes. Mentally, she's stable, but don't be surprised by some... darker tendencies..."

Izuku didn't care about that, "As long as she's fine, that's all that matters."
"I'm sorry, I almost got you hurt...I can only imagine what I would've done if you came yesterday..."
The greenette stopped her, "Don't think about that."

The AI gently reminded the boy, "Young Izuku, why don't you report your progress?"
Eyes brightening, Izuku explained, "Ah, yes, I've been learning force using blade techniques..."
Revan added with his typical grandiose manner. "He will soon be ready. He learnt all six forms quickly and to near perfect ability. His last task before tackling the Dark Side will be to build his lightsaber. To do that, he needs to find a power crystal, which your planet has in great abundance."
Inko smiled, proud of her son, but immediately fretted about if he needed anything, "Really? Wonderful job, Izuku! Do you need money to get one?"

Revan shook his head, "Quartz, as it's known here, seems to be inexpensive. He should have no problems, except finding a source for them nearby."

The green haired boy told his mother, "I'll be fine. I just want you to recover. When you have, maybe I can help you learn the saber techniques I've learnt!"
"I would love to..." She yawned. "Can you leave me to rest?"
"Sure... take all the time you need."

"Thank you, Izuku..."

He turned and walked to the door. Turning, he called to her before he left. "I love you, mom. Please get better."
She smiled gently, "I love you too."

After Izuku left, her smile left. "Is what you told me before true? That you've seen my son... beaten up by Katsuki Bakugo?"

Revan nodded, "If that is the name of the blond, then yes, it is. One of my stealth probes discovered this on a routine patrol in the sector."
She seethed, her blood boiling. "It looks like I will need to have a talk with Mitsuki and her... son..."
"Not yet. Wait one more day for the results of today's test. It seems you have a stronger connection to the Dark Side than the Light, but do not let it cloud your judgment."

"You're right, sensei. Izuku's safety comes first."

"I will leave you to rest. Please do not do anything rash."
Calming down, she nodded, "Please inform me if it happens again. I want to see it happen." Revan 'left' the room, while she still thought on the information. How long has this been going on? Why did Izuku do nothing? I will punish Katsuki myself if Mitsuki fails to.

Izuku wandered through downtown Tokyo, feeling with the force for any lead. Revan described the crystals as selective, calling out to him if they have a connection, a strong connection is important... and so far, nothing. However, he was interrupted by something far worse than this particular problem. He accidentally bumped right into Bakugo.

"Damn it... Oh, it's you, Deku. You plan on being my punching bag today?"
Even with his Force training, Izuku couldn't help the fear that crept into his voice, "N-No..."
"Well, that's just too bad..." Katsuki grinned, putting an arm around him, giving the appearance of an old friend to anyone outside their conversation. He guided him to an alleyway... out of sight for most... except one particular observer.

Revan notified Inko as soon as it began again. "Inko, it's happening."

As he projected the recording into the hospital room, the equipment in the room started to malfunction, small utensils were crushed, and the room started to shake. Revan switched off the recording. "Please do not destroy the medical wing. I have no way to recreate some of the machines here."

Inko calmed down, yet again. "I'm sorry... it's just... how long has this been happening?"

"While I may not understand a mother's love, I can understand how strong it is for you. Rest today, you can take care of necessary business tomorrow morning."

"I will."

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