Week-Long War: Japan

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After the villain left, the 3 nations representatives met behind closed doors. The leader of Britian spoke up first, interested in the smartest being in the room's opinion. After all, they needed advice, and he was the best source of it. "Nezu, What do you think of this?"
Nezu responded to the question directed at him. His voice was somber, and almost... hesitant. It was odd... until they heard why. "That villain... Revenant... he's been playing the long game with everyone. His first appearance was back at the USJ attack almost a year ago. Not as a commander, but as a soldier." The fact he had operated so long after attacking UA directly was, frankly unheard of. The principal continued, "Our students described him as observant and calculative. After that attack, the League of Villains ceased all public appearances. I assume it is because he took over soon after after that. The man in charge of the USJ attack, one Tomura Shigaraki, also vanished after that day. Toshinori Yagi, Allmight's Secretary..." The mammal gestured to the skeletal looking man next to him. "Has been trying to identify who the Revenant is to better understand them."
"Yes... I've been working with a friend of mine who couldn't make it here today. We both have a theory based on what we witnessed today, and what happened with Allmight before..."
He passed around a picture. It was from a news helicopter that crashed around the Area 51 battle.  "This is the best photograph we have of him before today's call. As you can tell from today, he's been working with the Decepticon Villains for a while. He brought them to Japan. He framed the US. We don't know if he's telling the truth, but he's been straightforward with what he wants. The fact he's confident in his victory could be used against him. We'll setup our defences accordingly. He's expecting a cake walk since we've been fighting each other. We've lost much, but we will have the home court advantage."

The American ambassador asked, not confident, but not resigned either. "What if he's predicted for this?"
Yagi was quick to defend his stance. "Regardless, we can't lose hope. Our will must remain unbroken. Trust me when I say that Allmight himself will fight alongside the rest of you."
The British ambassador asked with trepidation. "How can you be sure?"
"Because..." everyone was shocked as the skeleton inflated to his full height, revealing Allmight in his glory. "I AM HERE!"

Confident that Allmight was here, and Stars & Stripes was fine, they made their separate preparations. The US was instantly prepared, while the UK and Japan were slower with them, due to their losses during the main war. They prepared for everyone else to strike out, but nothing happened. It seems that the Revenant was honest about their intentions.

And then the day arrived.

An unnatural fog swept the capital cities of each place. Scrambling to get ready, they waited for a sign of attackers. It was then that all three were attacked at once.

Nezu, Toshinori, Kaumi Woods, and Banshee were all waiting in the command center of Tokyo's defenses. It was decided that those who are weaker in direct combat shouldn't stay to protect Nezu, as his office was the most secure place in Japan. UA had fortifications of its own, and the military was awaiting any radar signatures off the coast. They picked up something in the ocean to the north, but none of them had any visuals. Assembling their defenses, they waited for the enemy to make their move. Established fortifications surrounded the city, the military and the remaining heroes watching it fearfully, yet determined. They'd heard the reports, but had no confirmation on what was coming.

And then they could see the armored individuals start to form in the fog. Armored soldiers, highly advanced with guns. They all had new guns. Nezu grinned, "A traditional army, huh? They're in rows, using Napoleonic tactics of intimidation. Very primitive. And they're getting within range of our farthest reaching weapons."

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