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Izuku looked over the globe, and the bioscan Revan did for him. It was comprehensive, and showed that the biggest population center was, unsurprisingly, Tokyo, at 37 million people. Several other large cities were also highlighted: Bejing, Moscow, New York, Berlin... the list went on and on. Too many places, so little time. "We'll have to prepare for invasion."

Revan agreed with him, "Indeed." His hologram stood next to Izuku at his normal hieght, appearing to look over the data with him.

Sierra, standing in the background, asked clearly, "So, what's the plan?"

The course of action was clear to the green haired boy, as he explained it to them. "I present my findings to the UN. Get the nations to reinforce those that will most likely need it. We'll wait to see their actions. If they attack first, fight back to the last. If not... then we'd have to hide and observe. But first, we await their actions."

Admiral Vuko Uokay sat in the command chair of his ship, overseeing operations as they dropped out of hyperspace

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Admiral Vuko Uokay sat in the command chair of his ship, overseeing operations as they dropped out of hyperspace. His droids carefully calculated the perfect entry point, and the Nemoidian smiled smugly. A new planet, full of untapped resources to add to the fold. The Separatist Alliance will be most grateful for this discovery... and a lost prototype as a bonus... not a bad day... To the tactical droid standing next to him, he asked, "Which planet in the system has the prototype?"

It was a standard model T series tactical droid, with minimal coloration. Unlike his contemporary Nemoidians, Vuko favored functionality over ostentation, and it showed in his second in command's appearance, only having default green sections it to differentiate it from others. Its monotone voice responded back, "Sir, it appears to be on the third planet in the system."
"Complete a bioscan first. I want to know if there are any possible surprises first."

The droid immediately moved to comply, lowering its head in respect, before turning to a different droid. "Roger. OOM-410623, complete that task." The bulky droid commanded a leaner, standard issue OOM class pilot droid, denoted by its blue coloration, to do so for him. It complied.

 It complied

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