A Day of Choices

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When Izuku arrived back at the Observatory, he locked himself in his room, and meditated. His treatment from the UA staff made him seethe with anger. Quirks can have multiple aspects, and they just assumed it was two of them, is it so hard to believe that I can awaken abilities after being diagnosed?! It's stupid on their part. I had demonstrated I have immense power, and they wish to fight me...

His mother called from the other side of the door. "Izuku, are you alright?"

His voice shook as he called back. "Please... give me some space..."

The pain in his voice was clear, so she respected his wishes, "Ok... Revan and I are here if you need anyone to talk to."

"I understand."

He sighed, then opened his phone. There was a message from Uraraka. He smiled gently as he read it.

Hey, This is Uraraka! I hope you got home alright. I can't wait for the results!

Izuku typed back: Sorry for not responding right away. I was busy.

She responded quickly: That's alright! Life gets in the way. When are you free?

Izuku thought for a moment, then typed back: I'm free tomorrow. Why?

Uraraka: I thought you'd want to hang out. Do you?

Izuku: Of course! Know of any good places?

Uraraka: We'll meet at the fountain by Garden Mall. You ok with that?

Izuku: Sure! I'll be there at 11.

Uraraka: It's a date!

Izuku couldn't help but blush once he saw that. A D-date? No, that can't be right. We're just friends... are we friends? I'll ask tomorrow. Feeling better, he left his room and went to the one used as a living room. His mother was seated on the sofa. She noticed as soon as he entered the room.

"Are you feeling better. I could feel that you were in pain..."
Izuku evaded the topic, "I... don't want to talk about that right now... but I am feeling better."
She nodded, but didn't smile. With her new training, she could tell that he still wasn't feeling right, "Good."
"I made a friend at the exam today."

That brightened her day, "Really? What's their name?"
And Izuku let slip a fatal detail, "Her name is Uraraka Ochako."

Inko's eyes narrowed, and her smile became a smug grin, "Her? Already getting a girlfriend..."
Face heating up with embarrassment, the boy stuttered, "It... It's not like that..."
"What's she like?"
"She's kind, we exchanged numbers, and she wants to meet tomorrow..."
"Your first date!!! I'm so excited for you!"

Even Revan joined the teasing. "Ah, young love... I remember my first courtship... Bastila Shan... oh how I miss her..."
"So, when are you going?"
"We are meeting at Garden Mall at 11."

"Ok, that's not too far from here. You should get some rest in order to be ready for tomorrow. Dinner's in the kitchen. I didn't want to interrupt you earlier."


The next day, Izuku woke up excited. A meeting with Uraraka! He scrambled to get ready when he saw that he slept in to 10:00. He grabbed a piece of toast as he left.
Inko called to him, "Don't rush too much! I'll see you later! Love you, Izuku!"

"Love you, mom!"

He didn't run, but he did power-walk to the Garden Mall. It was named this due to the planters on the sides of the buildings, allowing vines to grow along it. The central fountain, the centerpiece of the outdoor mall, was designed to look like a more natural stone formation, instead of the more roman/medieval designs favored by most architects. Izuku waited there for half an hour before he saw her. She wore a denim jacket over a pink t shirt, with cargo shorts. Scanning the area, her face lit up when she saw him sitting next to the fountain. When she strode to him, she hugged him quickly in greeting: "It's good to see you again!"
"Y-You too!"

"So, what should we do?"
"I've only had a piece of toast, so I'm a little hungry."
"That's perfect!"
Izuku brought both of them to a new restaurant, which served American food. Izuku ordered a burger, while Uraraka got a grilled cheese sandwich.

Izuku was thoughtful, "I just have a question..."
"Why do you want to be a hero, Uraraka?"
"To help my parents." She took a sip from her cup of water. "My parent's construction company isn't doing so great, and we've never been particularly well off... They've given me everything... I just want to repay them..."
Izuku was impressed, "That's really noble of you! I think you'll be a great hero!"


"Yeah! It shows that you really care for people."

"Aw... thanks for thinking that!"

They spent the rest of the day chatting, exploring the mall, Izuku thinking Ochako was cute when she did various things, including thanking him excessively for getting her some mochi.

After the day was done, they went their separate ways, and Izuku was content.

When he arrived back, his mother was already preparing dinner. "How was the date?"
"Mom! It wasn't like that!"
"Sorry, sweetie, but how was it?"
"It was fun! We went to lunch first, then just explored the mall. She was cute when I gave her some mochi she wanted..."
"Cute, huh?"
Izuku reddened, then stammered, "D-did I say that out loud?"
"Mhm." Inko smiled knowingly. "Well, dinner's just about finished."

Izuku's mood soured when Inko asked, both seated at the dinner table, "Yesterday... you weren't exactly pleased when you returned back... did something happen at UA?"
He sighed, facing the fact that he had to tell them. Revan was obviously listening even if he wasn't really there. "I did everything right. I saved a lot of students, defeated a lot of robots, even destroyed this massive one worth zero points... but because they thought I had two quirks... they barred me from joining UA."

"WHAT?!" Inko immediately became enraged.

Revan spoke up. "They believed you had two... why?"
"I used only telekinesis... for the most part. When I was forced to stop the zero point robot from crushing Uraraka... I tapped into the dark side... and lightning came out of my fingertips."
Revan mused, "Force lightning... a very lethal dark side ability. One where you can control who gets shocked... and they believed you had two quirks."

Izuku thought about why the clone would be so scared... and then it hit him. "While they didn't tell me what was so bad about that... I believe it's because they are afraid of a villain. One who could steal and grant quirks. I remember reading about them in ancient history... but they're making it sound like he's alive, and keeping it a secret."

The AI agreed with that assessment. "Indeed... He never discovered this place, thankfully, but if he did... that plus his quirks would have allowed him to rule the world. I do believe he is still alive. I can use some of my stealth probe droids to investigate?"
The boy sighed with resignation. "If I want to help people, he will be my biggest threat."
Inko, now realizing where the topic of conversation was going, interjected. "Are you planning?"
"I need to unite the world. Us three are the only ones who know about... the threats in the stars... If we don't, who will?"
"If we get defeated, it's over."
"I know. But if I can't unite the people as a hero, the best option, I will need to do something else."

Revan nodded. "I will support you, Izuku."
He was surprised, "Not Young Izuku?"
"No. You have grown, and your mastery of both sides was apparent in the UA exam, even if you were not accepted. You have completed your training in my eyes. Do not misunderstand me, there is still much to learn, but I have no more to teach you."

Bowing with respect, Izuku replied, "Thank you, sensei."

Even though she didn't like the direction this was heading... "I will support whatever you choose to do, Izuku."

"Thank you, mom... the best action, for now, is to help you master your power. Then we'll see what happens next."

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