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Ochako Uraraka was able to finally relax as the Starrunner navigated the debris field left by the former battle. Now that they were out of imminent danger, Padme had expertly navigated the treacherous space around the planet. As she did, Ochako explained everything to her. Earth, their situation, how their society functions because of quirk development, the concept of quirks themselves... it was a lot for the Naboo senator. But, she set the ship into a gentle cruise, pointed directly at one of the triangular ships. Pulling out a holocommunicator, she tapped it, waiting for a response... when two men answered. They wore robes, one lighter than the other. The man on the left had a beard and wore armor plating. Gauntlets, lower leg braces, and a small armor chest cover. Meanwhile, the other wore darker robes, having defined features, and a scar over his right eye.

They were both serious when they answered, but the one on the right seemed to relax once he saw who it was

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They were both serious when they answered, but the one on the right seemed to relax once he saw who it was. "Senator Amidala! I thought you had been captured!"

Padme smiled, regaling the two with the tale of her escape. "I had been, but fortunately, I was able to escape. With some help."

The bearded man responded, with a bit of a small smile on his face. "I assume that had something to do with the guest sitting next to you?"

"Indeed. Their pilot was destroyed, so I had to fly their ship. Can we land?"

The dark robed man agreed. "Of course." He spoke to someone off hologram. "Admiral, is there a place for them to land?" After a moment, he nodded, turning back to them. "Hangar bay 4. We'll open the doors for you."

"Thank you, General Skywalker. General Kenobi." They nodded their heads in respect as the hologram flickered off. Looking ahead of them, they could see the single red stripe in the middle open, parting right down the middle. The brunette eased the controls into the new gap, and turned the ship into the relevant hangar, landing gracefully.

"You sure you're not a pilot, Miss Amidala?"

She laughed, "No... I just picked up a few pointers from Ani..." She got to her feet, and strode into the cabin, with Ochako following. Everyone looked up to them, as Ochako explained, "Alright, we've arrived at a safe place. Please be on your best behavior. Kaminari, Mina, looking at you two."
"Hey!" they both shouted. While they were troublemakers, at this time, they weren't going to cause problems. Part of calling them out was to help with 

"We are meeting with Generals of the Republic. Remember, you're representing Earth here. Don't make an ass out of yourselves." She looked at Sierra, who nodded. Even if the two class clowns were to do something dumb, she would pull them from the fire.

"After you, senator."

"Thank you, Ochako."

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