A Mother's Promise

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After Katsuki's... warm welcome... Izuku got to his unsteady feet. Breathing raggedly, he stumbled down the alleyway... when he felt it. The calling. Turning to face it, he found a collection of "useless" quartz, thrown away after being unable to sell them. Upon closer inspection, many had what people perceived to be faults: they were clear, fractured on the inside, or just dull... but then he found it. The crystal... it called him, and he gingerly picked it up, cupping it in his hands. It shined, as if joyful to be saved from it's previous fate. Carefully, he put it into his pocket, and navigated back towards home, so he could rest for the next day.

Inko woke up first thing in the morning. Restless, she got up and stretched. Revan projected himself into the room. "There is a cleaning station in the other room, and a spare set of clothes. I was inspired by the royalty of Alderaan, known for their elegance."

She took advantage of the facility, and the spare clothes. When she pulled out the outfit... she didn't know what to say. It was on par with Mitsuki's fashion lines, but before, Inko had never felt good enough to wear those. Now, though... After changing into it, she marvelled at her new look in the mirror. "This outfit is beautiful..."

Revan admitted to her, "It fits you much better than I thought it would. Do you need any assistance with what you are going to do?"

"No... this is personal."

"Do not kill him, there is likely an explanation for his behavior. And you cannot help Izuku from within a prison cell."
"I know."

Izuku arrived back at the temple, collapsing to his knees as his body ached from the previous day's beating.
Revan was completely concerned for the boy, "Young Izuku..."
But, the green haired boy was too excited about that. "I found it."
A moment of pause before the AI responded, "You did?"
"I have it... here..." He pulled out the crystal from his pocket, showing the gem in all its glory.
"Indeed... a perfect Kyber Crystal... this is an important milestone in your training. But, before you start the construction of your lightsaber... you look like you have taken a beating recently. I want you to get checked up in the medical wing."

"Yes, sensei..."
"Do not be surprised by your mother's absence. She went to take care of some... personal... matters..."
"That's alright. I'm just glad she has recovered."

Revan didn't respond as Izuku left for the hospital wing.

Inko arrived at the Bakugo household, and knocked on the door. Mitsuki answered, surprised. "Um, who are you?"
Inko smiled sadly, "Sorry, it's been a while Mitsuki."
She immediately recognized her voice. "Inko?! You look 20 years younger! How?!"
Her eye sparkled slightly at the praise, before she whispered to her, "Let's talk inside."
"Sure, sure, come on in!"

They sat in her living room. "It's been how many years, 3? Life goes by quickly..."
"Yes... it does..." She looked right in Mitsuki's eyes, her happy expression changing to a dark, sinister one. "I'm going to get straight to the point. Why does Katsuki beat up my son?"
To her credit, Mitsuki was horrified by the allegation. "He does WHAT?!"

That put the greenette at ease. "So you didn't know... I only found out 5 days ago... and it's made me so angry that... well, I can't stand by anymore."
The blond haired woman shook her head, with complete sympathy, "I understand completely. Izuku's like a second son to me, he even helped me carry groceries the other day when my bag broke... to think he's treating him like this..."
Just then, the devil they spoke of slammed the front door closed, announcing his arrival. When he entered the living room, the two women looked at him with scathing eyes. "Katsuki, come here."

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