Izuku's Lightsaber

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When Izuku woke up after resting, Revan greeted him. "Good morning, Young Izuku. How was your rest?"
Having a pained smile, he responded, "Good..."
"That is relieving to hear. There is a change of clothes in the washroom through the door to your right."

"Thank you."
Revan nodded to him, before fading from the room. After getting dressed in simple robes provided, he went to the main hall, where he saw boxes being moved into the door opposite the medical wing, towards where the blade training hall was. He saw his mother directing them. Confused, he asked, "What's going on?"
"Ah, Izuku. We're just moving house."
Shock coursed through his veins when he realized, "To here?!"
The green haired woman beamed at her son, "Yes. I discussed this with Revan. We will live here for the foreseeable future. I have also pulled you out of Aldera, as it was clearly doing more harm than good."
Izuku smiled, relieved he didn't have to go back to hell. But... that meant... His face turned from positive, slowly to horror. But before he could ask, she interrupted him with another happy activity: "Would you like to help with setting up your room?"

Shaking his head, he replied, "S-Sure!"

The rest of the morning was spent setting up his room to his liking. It was a brand new beginning for the both of them, and Izuku was going to make the most of it.

After that, Izuku prepared to build his lightsaber. His mother walked alongside him as Revan guided the two of them to the armory.

Inko hugged him tightly, "Two weeks ago, I would've never even guessed that you would have this power... and now you're halfway to mastering it... You make me proud."
"Thank you, mom. I won't let you down."
"Neither will I let you down. I did so for too long, and now... I can no longer stand idly by. I want to witness you construct your blade."

Izuku smiled, his heartstrings tugged by the care his mother was showing.

"We have arrived." The door before Revan opened, and shelves upon shelves of materials, components, and hilt frames.

"Wow..." There was so much to see, to work with! And it would be all his. Granted, all of the merch in his room was his, but... this would be his creation, not a brand item or one of those shirts that just had a word on it. This would be far more personal. 
The AI explained the best he could, but this was getting to the point where it would be difficult to instruct him. After all, an AI can't feel the force. Even with the digitized memories to guide his words. "The first step is to imagine what your blade will be. Not what you think you want, but what you feel with the force to be right. Close your eyes and tell me what you need. What does your future blade feel like, how will it be used?"

Izuku did so, and described what he wanted, "A mix of offense & defense... and I feel... leather, a soft metal?"

"Unusual... while leather is usually not used for a grip, I have some here. We have a few options, but the best in combination with a dark brown leather, in my opinion, is cerakote... here." Revan used a droid to retrieve the parts that he described. "Now, in combination with standard lightsaber mechanics... you have all of the necessary components. Take a look."

Izuku opened his eyes and found the parts in front of him.

"Take them, meditate, and use the force to guide the construction of your lightsaber."

Izuku sat in the center of the room, placing the parts around him. Closing his eyes yet again, he started to meditate. The parts started to float, first the crystal itself, then the inner frame, spinning gently like a planet. The wiring and energy packs floated into place, secured within the frame. The beam emitter was placed towards one side of the blade, before the outer shell, made from a dark gray metal known as cerakote, secured the ancient design... finally, the leather wrapped around the metal, the dark brown grip contrasting with the gray metal. Finally, the ornamentation around the emitter, almost enclosing it, was placed, and the bottom cap sealed the leather in place. Reaching out his dominant hand, he grasped the blade, and pointed it straight up. He felt the leather grip, feeling completely right in his hand. He opened his eyes, igniting the blade for the first time.

It was a brilliant violet blade. It's amethyst glow covered the room in it's oxymoronic light, casting Inko and Izuku's shadows onto the walls. Izuku was amazed to hold something so important. It was a trophy of all the progress he made... he would always cherish it.

Inko was amazed to see the process. She applauded him immediately after igniting the blade. She only held back from hugging him because of the danger involved, but did take her phone out for a picture. "Well done Izuku!"

Revan clapped as well, although his were silent. "A purple blade is extremely rare. I wouldn't have been surprised if yours was blue or green, but purple is reserved for those who are special."
The green haired boy turned to the hologram, "Special in what way?"
"Those who can balance both sides... It is clear that you will need to continue the last part of your training... that of the Dark Side. Will you be ready to begin tomorrow?"

While not eager to begin that dangerous part of training, he understood its value. "I will, sensei!"

"Then, celebrate tonight. But prepare for what is to come. It will be your toughest challenge yet."

Izuku nodded, deactivating the blade. He stood up, with a somber expression, before Inko hugged him. When embraced, he smiled, remembering that he had support, and is grateful for all the help. Inko told him, "I think tonight deserves your favorite! I'll get it started."

He couldn't help but shed a tear in happiness, as this was all he wanted from life. "Thank you."

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