The Second Attempt

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As Izuku let Class A decide, there was an urgent message beeping inside his helm. Putting it back on, he silenced his outside mic, in order to keep whatever communications he would have private. "Yes?"

Revan reported in, "The Federation has moved its forces, landing in Virginia and New Hampshire. They are making a move on Washington D.C."

That was news, and cause for alarm. Quickly, he asked, "What about the ones outside Tokyo?"

The AI's voice was calm as he spoke. "Still there, but maintaining position."

"Right. Alert all forces and attempt to intercept at the key fronts. Hold whatever position they want to take. We can't let America fall."
"Will do. Who should I alert?"

"Dutch. Bates. Get Sierra to come to my position."

"Right, alerting the relevant individuals. I'll report back when I have more information at my disposal."

Just then, Sierra opened the door. "Yes, Revenant?"
Izuku explained directly what her new orders were. "You are assigned to Ochako and her mission. She will fill you in. I have urgent matters to take care of." He turned and strode out of the room, calling back, "Failure is not an option."

Izuku didn't take the Starrunner for this. He needed an entrance, sure, but fortunately, there was a prototype ship following a similar schematic to the Starrunner. It didn't have the stealth capabilities, nor the hyperdrive, but that did not matter. Time was of the essence. The ship worked like a dream, quickly accelerating across the planet, over the Pacific Ocean, until he was finally over the US. He could see the Federation frigate over the location, shooting downwards, as covering fire. Damn it... they really aren't pulling any punches. Unfortunately for them, they don't seem to realize that the US is one of the most stubborn nations out there. Even if they take down DC, they'll continue to fight, for the most part, because they know this isn't about the government. It's about freedom. And he was proven right as he flew over the battlefield. The laser turrets Izuku's forces had started to build were working overtime, shooting down small craft and driving back the frigate, and the droid forces were engaged with the US forces. Unfortunately, they were driven back to the last defenses.

Private Ryan barrelled behind cover. This was going to be the final stand against this invasion. He'd heard reports about them in Japan, but never knew they were this numerous. His regiment thought they were ready, but their guns barely did any damage. Pinging uselessly against their lanky metal frames, the only weapons that seemed to work were some of the new laser weapons provided by the Revenant, the new world leader.

Focusing back on the fight, Ryan was forced to fall back, when he saw one of those new weapons lying on the ground, in the hands of a corpse. Taking it in favor of his old, useless rifle, he gave some pot shots as he ran further back, into the capital. Fighting was getting fierce amongst the old city. Everyone was being routed back, and it would eventually fall...

Until what could only be described as a starship hovered a fair distance of the ground, facing away from them, and a single form dropped down. He wore white robes, with purple and green accents. Facing the enemy droids, they activated a laser sword. They then heard their voice relay through their helmet communicators.

"On me, I will help push them back!"

The Revenant was on the battlefield. And he was leading the charge. A barrage of lasers cascaded towards the lone individual, and he deftly manipulated the blade to either reflect or deflect them away from himself. He leaned out of the way of a few of them, and started pushing towards them. Aiming his weapon, Ryan then fired back, starting to take them down. The line gained morale, and fought back harder. It was then the tide turned.

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