UA Exams

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The Day of the Exams. Izuku was as ready as he could be. He put on a mix of normal clothes and simple robes, to blend in. He stood in front of the main gate, ready for the ultimate test.

He walked through the gigantic gates to the hallowed grounds beyond. His anticipation made him move faster, eager to prove himself... until he stumbled and tripped on a jutting piece of sidewalk. As he fell, he thought: This is how my story ends... huh? He stopped falling, helped by a girl with a brown bob-cut. She was very pretty for her age, and when she was sure he was fine, she let him go. When she waved, he could see her finger pads were different. She must be able to nullify gravity with a touch. And tapping them all together nullifies the effect.

"Be careful, you know it's bad luck to trip before a test!"


She checked her watch. "It's almost time for the test! Let's hurry, we don't want to be late!"


The explanation for the heroics exam rules was done by Present Mic, due to the ease in which he spoke. There were no interruptions, and the contestants were brought to the fake city, ready and eager, just like Izuku.

When the gate opened, he wasted no time. When the other's complained, they were met by Mic calling them to battle: "There's no countdown in a real battle! GET GOING!"

The robots didn't stand a chance. Izuku was in flow. He didn't use his lightsaber, and didn't need to. The first few waves of robots were crushed with little effort. However, when the competitors caught up with him, he had to start being precise. This was the environment where the lightsaber would be best, but the Force was telling him not to use it. Rely on it. He used both where he saw fit, saving students, taking down large groups, and everything in between. After an hour and a half, he decided to rest, taking time to meditate, and recompose.

The Principal of UA was ecstatic so far. "Absolutely incredible performance by that meditating kid so far! What's his name?"

Nemuri "Let's see... the file says..."
Allmight interrupted them. "Izuku Midoriya."
His response surprised the staff, "How did you know?"
"I met him a while ago... he made me think about what it means to be a hero. It's hard to forget him."

Nemuri looked over his file, "His file says he's quirkless..."
"That's correct. He asked me if he could be a hero without a quirk... he must have awakened his in the months after our meeting. It's the only explanation I can think of."

"Well, we need to see what our potential students will do in the face of overwhelming danger. I think it's time to release the zero pointer." Nezu laughed almost maniacally as he pressed a shiny red button.

The ground shook, Izuku opened his eyes in response. He got to his feet, as most student ran for the exit, done with the test in their view. Izuku would have left if he didn't hear the familiar voice of the girl from his arrival at UA. "HELP ME, SOMEBODY! PLEASE!"

Using the force, he located and navigated the ruined city. He found her, the girl... and so did the zero point robot. All contestants had been warned of it, but now, it was about to crush her beneath its feet if Izuku didn't act. Using the force, he sprinted faster than any human could, and used the force to hold the building sized-foot back, but it was clearly taking a toll on him.

"What are you doing?! You should go! We don't need to both die here!"
"You. Needed. Help. I am not... going to let you... die... if I can help it!" It was now just an inch away from his head. There is no way to save her... without breaking the robot... but it's... too big... He started to tap into his emotions, pouring his fury into his power. Screaming, he accessed the dark side, causing lightning to crackle from his fingertips, and across the entire robot. Sheer power arced up and around all of the zero pointer, almost creating a web to entrap it. The power short circuited it, and he could start to move it away, towards an area with nobody inside. The ground shook on impact. Panting, he calmed down, and let the light side wash away his exhaustion. Turning around, he saw Ochako have an open mouth. "Oh my god, what was that?! It was awesome!"

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