Trust Excercises

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The next morning, Izuku found that Ochako wanted to train with him as well, to help her get ready for the sports festival. It was true, he was strong, his quirk was similar to hers in appearance, but that created a conflict. The greenette had already promised to help Shinsou with the same thing. However, as he did his morning routine, he had an epiphany. Why not knock out three birds with one stone! While they ate breakfast, Izuku spoke to Hizoshi. "I got a message from Ochako last night. She wants to train with me for the sports festival. Do you mind if she joins us?"
After a few seconds of thought, the violette finally shook her head, indicating that she didn't mind. "No. She's... chill compared to the rest of her class."

Smiling slightly, he watched as she continued to eat. "Good. I'll text her where to meet us. Let's go."

They walked back past all of the destruction. The rubble was still being cleared away, and... the bodies counted and tallied. Identified and next of kin notified. It was horrible, but necessary. Hizoshi should have blamed Izuku for this. After all, they wouldn't be here without his help. But... the violette didn't. For once, she blamed the people actually responsible. After all, Izuku just said to create mayhem, and didn't really control them. It was Megatron who made the call to attack that part of the city. It was Endeavour who used fire without checking for civilians. To her, they would both pay. 

Fortunately, however, Uraraka's family business was one of the many companies commissioned to clear the debris... so their quality of life became better... but she was struggling to readjust to this. Probably because the brunette predicted that the money would go away once the construction finished.

Still watching over everything, "I can't believe they did all of this..."
Izuku explained carefully, with consideration of every aspect of the situation, "The only hero that could stop them without casualties was Stars & Stripes. She had to think outside the box, too. There is a reason they are classified as S rank, even though they failed."

Not being able to bear looking at the chaos from the event, the violette looked down at the ground, "I see..."
He whispered as they walked by the emergency services that continued to work diligently. "They aren't the only villains being shipped from the US. More have already arrived and are wreaking havoc across the country. I'm surprised that they haven't come to the obvious conclusion yet."

That earnt a glance from the violette, "That being?"
Izuku immediately replied. His response was that of the obvious look of it all, but they both knew the truth at this point. "The US is being shifty. Sending them to where they can be taken care of properly. The US has struggled to contain all of the villains out there... and it's well known."

"I see..."

After ten minutes or so of walking, out and away from the rubble and ruins, they made their way to a beach. Or what would normally be a beach, if it weren't covered in garbage, from tiny little plastic bottles, to refridgerators and cars, rusted through age and the elements. This was where they would train. Not just for weight training, but because, if they wanted to be heroes, they would have to get used to community service, and getting dirty. As far as Izuku's research was concerned, this was the perfect training locale.

Gesturing with wide, sweeping motions, the greenette introduced the place, "Here we are... Dagobah beach."

She looked over it skeptically, clearly not impressed at all. "Really? This place is covered in trash..."

Izuku grinned, already having their routine planned out. "And this makes it the perfect training ground."

A voice interrupted them as Izuku oversaw Hizoshi carrying trash. She was in the process of seperating and condensing them into piles. Sometimes with, and sometimes without the Force to assist. This way she could train control and her own strength without it. The best of both worlds. "Hey guys!"
Turning, Izuku waved to her, having her come to their position. "Hi Ochako!"

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