A Mercy Mission

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Vuko looked over the battle report. It was hard to get details right with the confusion in his ranks after he'd given the order. In truth, he wanted to test their morality and their ingenuity. This enemy he'd made was certainly formidable, but the neimoidian considered all data from the child to be suspect. Probably told so that we could be fooled. I will rely on other methods of data acquisition.

It was then that his tactical droid spoke up, "Sir, we are being contacted by beings on that world. Audio only."
"Very well, patch it through."

A rough mechanical voice greeted him. "Is this the commander of the space fleet?"
The nemoidian confirmed as such. "This is Admiral Vuko Uokay of the Confederacy of Independent Systems... who are you and why are you contacting us?"
The voice laughed. "I am Megatron, and I have information you'll need to assure your... victory."

"Victory is already assured." He decided to test for knowledge, "As they are fragmented."
But, like he hypothesized, the newcomer solidified his theory that there is a person ruling from behind the curtain. "There is a ruler in the shadows... and he decided to test you. He has been preparing for a threat from outer space for a long, long time."

"I see... and what do you want from this... alliance?"

"To take this world as mine. And to get revenge against the double crosser."
The nemoidian nodded. Both were in line with his goals. After claiming this place, he had no use for it. Local politics did not interest him. "That can be arranged, as long as you remember who gave you this world."

"You do not need to remind me."

Smiling, the alien replied, content, and eager for data. "Good. Now tell me everything."

Meanwhile, Izuku was planning on what to do. The enemy had their primary objective, but now they had a new one: capturing the planet. He had hoped that the neimoidian would spread his forces thinner, and in a more manageable group. Now that he'd used the tactic of ambush from all sides, it was going to be harder to use that tactic again. So, he set to work, funneling troops to all major cities in Japan, while consolidating the Tokyo forces. His hopes were soon dashed as he saw more troops arrive at the dedicated droid army staging area. He'd have to take that out sometime, otherwise they'd be able to assemble their troops 20 minutes from the capital of Japan. There was no dedicated world capital yet, but that was an issue for another time. Focusing on the task at hand, he had defenses to plan. It seemed like his attempt to deceive the Seperatist forces was unsuccessful, but that was due to a chaotic force outside his control. That was why he called Optimus Prime to him. Still wary, the large autonomos robotic organism directly asked, "You wanted to speak with me?"

"Yes. Your brother, Megatron, made another move."

That got his attention. He was wary of the Revenant because he had used the Decepticons against the world. Now though? He spoke as if they were on seperate sides. "What is he up to?"
"He is going to be working with the alien invaders against us. So, I thought it prudent to bring you here to ask: what do you think his plan will be?"
That caught him off guard. After all, he knew that the Revenant would know him more in depth than he would. "Why ask me? He worked with you longer than I have."

"You are his brother. And while he did work with me, he kept a lot from me as well. He was set to betray me, and the first I'd heard of that was in your battle with Megatron in the US. So, he's now an enemy of Earth, and will want to kill me on sight."

"I see..." he thought for a moment. "He would probably wish to work out of the United States, as he is most familiar with that country. However, it is likely that he will provide tactical support for the meantime, as his wounds were serious. It is Soundwave, his second in command, that concerns me more. He is skilled at espionage, as he took on a stealth drone alternate form. Not only that, but he is the most loyal. I would prioritize him first."

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