Amnesia Was His Name (JBM x Schneep)

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(Plot based off the song "Amnesia Was Her Name" by Lemon Demon)

"You have such beautiful eyes." The doctor murmured as he shone the bright light into my face. I gave him an unresponsive blink, my vision spotty as he removed the light from my eyes after a moment. I went to rub my eyes with a gloved hand, but was met with a blue mask around my eyes. Right, I was still in my work outfit. He leaned back in his chair, watching me as I could only stare back at him. He spoke after a moment, "Jackie, you came here to interrupt my busy for a reason, vhy vas zhat?"

I nodded slightly, reaching into my pant's pocket to pull out a small crumbled piece of paper. I flattened it, scanning it over. It read "need meds - visit hen after work". I glanced up, speaking in a voice that didn't feel quite right for myself, "I think I ran out of medicine. It says to come to Hen."

"You're out?!" The doctor suddenly seem to panic, his face pale as he jumped to his feet. I blinked as he grabbed the paper from my hand. He read it over, before flipping it over and sitting back down with a sigh. He shook his head somewhat, "I told Silver to monitor you... it's fine. I vill send zhem to Ibis. Jackie, is zhere anyzhing else you needed?"



"Vake up, Jackie." I squinted my eyes through the bright lights shining on me. Had I always had curtains in my bedroom? A man stood beside the windows, staring out without looking back at me. I sat up in the somewhat bed, suddenly aware of the unfamiliar texture of the sweatpants and sweatshirt I was wearing, and the uncomfortable heat of the bedroom. I rubbed my eyes, looking towards the man- he was wearing a white coat and stethoscope. He was a doctor. I looked up at him, and he had turned his gaze to me. He pushed up his glasses, saying in a soft tone, "You skipped your alarm again. It's no matter- I vill have Chase vake you up from now on."

"Who's Chase?" I questioned, and the doctor merely shook his head slightly, walking over to the closet and taking out a red superhero-esque costume. He brought it over to the bed, laying it down beside me, "I vill tell you later. Now, get dressed, Silver's coming in fifteen minutes to pick you up, and I vant you to eat breakfast today. Just go downstairs- there's a plate of eggs and bacon in zhe kitchen. Okay?"

"Okay." I said. He eyed me for a moment, his eyes a glowing shade of blue. He seemed to realize he'd been standing there for an awkward amount of time, and almost instantly left the room. I looked towards the cell phone beside my bed, catching a glimpse of myself in the screen's reflection. I gazed into my own blue eyes, nodding slightly at myself, "You have such beautiful eyes."


"How was your day, Jackie?" I blinked up from the plate of food I'd been staring at for quite some time. The group of men stared at me with anticipation. I nodded slightly, and I supposed that was just about all they expected of me anyways, as they all continued with their conversation. I felt eyes on me, and turned to my side, seeing the doctor watching me. He gestured to my meal, muttering, "Spaghetti- it's one of your favorites."

I looked back to my plate, grabbing a fork and digging in. I didn't know why, but the taste was almost familiar- not liked I'd ever had it before, though. I could feel the room get quiet, and a looked upwards, wiping my mouth on my sleeve. I was in my work clothes still. Everyone was once again staring at me. The doctor cleared his throat from where he sat, "Ve understand it's hard, Jackie... He's never done anyzhing like he did vith you. I promise ve vill help you."

"...alright." I blinked, taking another bite.  The doctor sighed, and the rest of the men gradually left the table. I hadn't even realized how much time had gone by until my fork was hitting an empty plate. I looked to the doctor, who didn't seem to be eating anything. The man silently took my plate and fork, standing and exiting the room. I leaned back, looking down at my hands. The doctor... sometimes it was hard to recall everything he said- he says so much. Too much, sometimes. I could hear him walking back into the room. I got up, taking a deep breath. I could ask him what he'd meant- he was nice. However, I suddenly found myself speechless and being lead to the bathroom. He began to close the door between us, "Get some pajamas on, and don't forget to brush your teeth. Zhey are important, you know."

"Okay." I said, and he shut and locked the door. I turned to look at myself in the mirror. Baby blue orbs stared back at me as I snatched clothes from the counter and began to change. After I'd finished, I opened up the door, expecting to see his own eyes meeting mine. I was met with a darkened hallway. Shutting off the bathroom light, I found myself in complete darkness.


Who is he?

I stared at the man across from me, who was smiling slightly. He held out his hands, which I took in my own. There was something about him that made me want to please him no matter what. I found myself grinning back as he gently kissed my knuckles, which I noticed were bruised up. I didn't ask about them, though, as the two of us were walking side by side along the sidewalk. A cold breeze flew passed us, and I was glad to be bundled up in a thick coat. The man beside me looked in my direction, blue eyes shimmering behind his lenses. However, I noted he wasn't looking at me, and I stopped as well. I went to follow his gaze, but I was swiftly pulled forward, this time into a slightly crowded area. I saw his lips move, but the outdoors was so crowded it was impossible to make out anything.

I was suddenly pulled into a tall building. If he hadn't pointed it out, I may not have noticed it was even there- after all, I'd never been in this part of the city before. I felt my heart skip a beat as he squeezed my hand gently, and without warning, we were walking into a small home. The man turned on the light and began to take off his coat, which I copied instantly. I noticed all the boxes stacked around in the living room space, all with various labels for rooms. The man walked over to me, kissing me gently on the cheek, "Surprise, Jackie. Vell... not so much a surprise. Ve picked it out together, after all... but... a surprise to you nonezheless."

"An apartment?"

"Our apartment. To spend our lives togezher in- and all zhat lovey-dovey stuff. Vell, as soon as ve get married." He chuckled softly, before noticing my confused face. He sighed, "Don't vorry, zhat's not anytime soon. I know how much you vant to be independent- and a house vith our friends isn't going to satisfy you for much longer. So... an apartment! Just for us. You still want zhis, right?"

"Yes... I just forgot..." I said quietly. He seemed to already know that, but nodded anyways, "Zhat's alright... on a different note... your surgery is coming up in a few veeks. It vill help vith zhe amnesia."


"Exactly. Here, it's time to take your medicine." The man said, grabbing a bottle of pills from his pocket. He popped open the cap, and poured one into his hand. He moved over to the open kitchen, grabbing a cup and filling it in the sink. He brought both over my way, putting both into my hands. I placed the pills on my tongue, before taking a sip of water and swallowing. He took the cup from my hand, and took my hands in his own. He nodded slightly, mouthing words once again. Maybe he was saying something, but my body had already stopped processing auditory functions. I simply stared into his eyes, those brilliant blue eyes. I didn't know what it was about them. Without me even realizing I was speaking, I could feel my lips moving in a way that didn't even really feel like myself.

"You have beautiful eyes, Henrik."

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