Pain is Narration (The Host)

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(Blood and Gore. Don't read if your sensitive to that stuff- Clo)

Do you know what it's like to have yours eyes ripped out of your skull? To scream in agony as you feel blood drip down your face?

To have to narrate everything so as to be distracted from the pain? You wouldn't know. But Host? He did.

The Author was evil, even Host would admit this. So what changed?

Well, the Author attempted suicide, slicing down his chest with a knife before grabbing a rope to hang himself.

But truly, the Author didn't want to die. So, he faked it. He pretended he had died, then took out his eyes, put a cloth around the empty sockets, and came up with a new identity.

He slightly changed everything about himself. But, he was cursed to narrate everything happening in the world.

The Author, or The Host, as he now is called, shortly got accepted into a group of egos called, "The Ipliers".

Darkiplier, knowing of what he had done, knowing there were others in the mansion of a house that had killed many people as well, decided Host would be best in the basement.

Of course, Host didn't mind. As the Author, he had never been very afraid of anything. Being lonely, of course, wasn't a problem for him, he lived far away from civilization as he could.

The Host now could see without his eyes. Whatever he narrated came to life. As a result, besides the pain, living here was peaceful.

But sometimes, the Author came back.

Host would be narrating as usual and then feel more blood than usual dribbling down his face. He would wipe it away, and continue.

And then, it would get worse. The scars along his body would begin to burn, as if he was receiving them over and over again. He would cry out in pain, stopping his narration.

Dark would be the one to come down to soothe him, sitting next to him against the cold brick wall and talking to him until Host started speaking again, then help him over to his bed, where he could rest.

The Host would promise he would never become the Author again.

But things don't always work out, do they?


Yay! Host's One-Shot is done! I had like a billion drafts for it, and this still isn't my best work, but this was the most decent one I could write.

It does sound slightly like a Dark x Host, but that wasn't my intention for it.

Anyway, this is my version of how Author changed into Host, because I am pretty sure Mark never really said what happened to him, so meh. Idk.

Anyways, Peace out y'all ✌️


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