Sickly (SS x JBM)

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"Have a little hope, Silver. The cops will get there eventually." Jackieboyman promised his boyfriend, who was anxiously watching the news from his bed.

"I should go help them, though." Silver Shepherd mumbled, staring at his suit hanging up on a hook on the wall, before having another coughing fit.

"You're sick, you can't go out and do anything when you could risk spreading the flu." Jackieboyman sighed.

"But what about you? You could get sick from me!" Silver said, frowning.

"I will be fine. Just get some rest, you have a temperature." Jackieboyman pointed out, shutting off the TV.

"Ugh, fine." Silver grumbled, turning to the side so his back faced his boyfriend.

Jackieboyman left the room, shutting the door softly behind him.

Immediately, Silver sprang up from bed. He couldn't let innocent people get hurt! It was his patrol time, after all.

The hero quietly got into his suit and pushed open the window, but was shocked to find Jackieboyman levitating right outside it, his arms crossed.

"Silver! What did I say?" Jackieboyman scowled, and Silver reluctantly took off his costume and gave it to Jackieboyman's outstretched hand, who then put it on the ledge of the window.

"How did you hear me?" Silver wondered, "I was silent!"

"Super hearing, remember? Now, I guess I'm going to have to stay with you until you get better." The healthy hero sighed.

"But who's gonna take your patrol?!"

"Ibis can do it, he's capable of handling a few thieves. But you need to get back into bed." Jackieboyman said, flying towards the window, gently pushing him back inside, towards the bed.

Silver got into their bed, and Jackieboyman tucked him tightly, lightly pecking his forehead.

Jackieboyman got onto the top of the bed covers, wrapping an arm around Silver, "I'm going to stay here for the rest of the night, Silver."

Jackieboyman ran his fingers through Silver's hair until he felt the sick hero fall asleep. Jackieboyman felt his own eyelids drooping, and pretty soon, the two heroes were sleeping, holding each other close to one another, dreaming of the battles they were winning.


This is shorter than the other two One-Shots, but I think it's still good.

Since Jackieboyman is the oldest of all Sean/Jack's egos, I decided to make him very protective of Silver Shepherd.

Anyways, peace out y'all ✌️


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