What Happened? (Dark x Will x Anti)

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Anti dangled from a long, glowing, green rope that held him up by the ankle.

The end of the rope was connected to the ceiling of the incredibly tall room. Anti was just feet off the ground, flailing wildly as he tried to untie himself in a way he wouldn't fall and crack open his skull.

"Looks like the glitch is all tied up," An echoing voice said from the darkness.

Anti groaned, and there was a chuckle from another person, "Darky, was that pun intentional?"

"What? I-"

The second voice cut him off, "Awwww, were you trying to be creepy? I ruined it, didn't I."

The voice sighed, "No, Will. You-"

Once again, the second voice interrupted, "Goodie! Wait... What's Anti doing with that rope? It goes around your neck, not your ankles. That's just craaazzzy!"

Anti sighed, letting his arms hang down loosely, still not quite reaching the ground, "It wasn't on purpose. Will one of you get me down?"

Dark and Wilford stepped into view. Dark shook his head, "Why would we do that when we have you so perfectly placed?"

Anti could feel the blood coming to his head as he stared at the ground, "Don't you guys vacuum in here? It's kinda gross..."

Wilford nodded, "Oh, yeah! Googs does when we use the 'Okay Google' thing."

Anti groaned, the rope tightening around his ankle. Dark looked at the rope, "What is that?"

"A rope." Anti spat.

Dark shook his head, "It's not just... Any rope."

Wilford laughed, "It's an ankle noose!"

Anti blinked at Wilford, shaking his head, "No, it's a rope. Just help get me down."

Dark sighed, "Alright, alright."

He flicked his wrist, and a shadow crept down from the ceiling and to Anti's ankle, trying to untie the rope. It only got tighter, cutting up his skin and cutting off circulation in his foot.

Blood was forming underneath his pants from where the cuts were. Anti whimpered at the pain before glaring at Dark, "Tell your shadows it's not working!"

Dark frowned, flicking his wrist again, and the shadows formed a knife, trying to cut the rope. However, it was no use.

Anti sprawled in the air, using his other leg to try and push the rope off of him, but it wasn't working.

Wilford chuckled, "I thought you were a glitch for a reason."

Anti rolled his eyes, "Don't you think I've tried that?!"

Wilford shrugged, pulling out his gun and shooting at the rope multiple times. Anti screamed loudly, "WILFORD! YOU'RE GOING TO BLOW MY WHOLE LEG OFF!"

Wilford scowled at Anti, "And you'd be free. I honestly don't see a problem with that."

Dark put a hand on Wilford's shoulder, "We don't want to hear Anti complain about not having a leg."

Anti reached a hand towards the ceiling, another rope coming down. He grabbed it, pulling himself up so he was almost standing as he balanced himself in the air with both ropes.

Dark and Will looked up at him, Dark's shadows dissapearing. Anti stared down at them, "This is why I don't like any of you."

They shrugged, but Anti accidentally let go of the rope, causing him to swing back down and emit an ear-piercing shriek. Luckily, he wasn't near the ground so his head didn't hit the ground.

Anti sighed, "I've given up. I'll stay here for the rest of eternity."

Dark and Will glanced at each other, shrugging and walking out of the room, closing the door so Anti was in pitch darkness.

Anti whined, "NO! I DIDN'T MEAN IIIITTT!!"

Anti pouted, crossing his arms.

There was a few moments of silence before Anti yelled again, "TELL THE OTHERS WHEN I DIE I'LL HAUNT CHASE FIRST!"

The door opened slightly, Chase's head peeking through, "I heard that!"

And then, the door closed. Leaving Anti alone again once more. Anti sighed, "Is this a bad time to mention this happens more often then you think?"

The door opened, revealing the egos all standing there, carrying different things to try and get him down, "WE KNOW."


So that happened....

Enough said.

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