The Love Potion (Marvin x JBM)

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Marvin was carefully mixing the glowing green powder in with a bright blue liquid in a test tube.

He'd been working on a big project to help Chase and Stacy get back together just long enough for Chase to get his children back. Sure, it wasn't right, but Chase deserved to see them.

Anyway, just outside Marvin's window, Jackaboy was flying around the neighborhood, bored out of his mind. Yes, the hero was friends with Marvin, but nothing more.

Jackaboy noticed Marvin through the window, a tired look on his face as he concocted the potion. The magician looked like rest was in order, and helping was what Jackaboy did!

The super flew over, gently tapping on Marvin's window. Marvin glanced up at the noise, unphased by the surprise of it, and the two exchanged a smile.

Marvin shoved open his window, which was enough for Jackaboy to fly through.

"Hey, Marv!" Jackaboy grinned, "I was around and decided to stop by. Is now a bad time.

Marvin shook his head, "Not at all. Just trying to make this drink for Chase."

Jackaboy raised an eyebrow, "Dontcha think he has enough alcohol? Lemme try."

To Marvin's shock, Jackaboy grabbed the vial and took a few swigs, swallowing every last drop.

"No! Jackaboy!" Marvin cried, but it was too late, the effects were already taking place.

"This didn't taste like anything I've ever had." Jackaboy hiccuped, slurring his words.

"You're going to feel sleepy for a bit, the effects will wear off soon, maybe you should nap through-" Marvin was cut off by arms wrapping around him in a warm hug.

Marvin quickly shoved Jackaboy off, "Jackaboy! You can't do this, let's just get you back to your room now."

Jackaboy smiled as Marvin guided him out to the hall, "Exactly what I was thinking, honey."

Marvin blushed deeply, but shook it off, saying quietly, "Just the potion."

Marvin eventually got Jackaboy to his bedroom, and gently laid him on the bed, pulling off the heroes mask and placing it on a shelf.

Jackaboy grabbed Marvin's cape, pulling him down towards him to steal a quick kiss.

Marvin's eyes widened as he pulled away, "I... uh... goodnight Jackaboy."

As fast as humanely possible, Marvin ran out of the room and locked it, sighing as he leaned against it.

"I usually wouldn't be the one to say this... but that was adorable." A voice hissed from beside Marvin.

"Oh shut up Anti."


Hi! So not a very common ship, but I'm trying to get to literally all of them, XD

But ya, hope you enjoyed! What should the next ship be?

Love y'all!✌️

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