The Most Wonderful Time...

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Hello my beautiful readers! I've been gone for quite some time, but I felt like a Christmas One-Shot was in order! It's a bit of a longer one (consider it a present and apology for being absent from my stories for so long). Anyways, hope you enjoy!


"Andrew! It's time to get going!" The suited man called up the stairs, looking into a mirror and adjusting his tie for the fifth time. His brown eyes seemed to sparkle under the red and green lights, and ornaments hung down just above his head where they were strung along the ceiling. He glanced upwards at it all with a small smile, knowing how his sister worked especially hard to get it all finished before Christmas. Smoothing down his suit, he walked into the kitchen, where two others sat. Both were dressed formally, and the smaller of the two- a man with blue hair and a monocle- was tying his friend's bow tie. The man getting his tie done peered over his glasses at the man entering the room, and smiled, "Damien! Don't you look just strapping. Doesn't he, James?"

"As always." Jameson grinned, finishing the bow tie. Damien nodded slightly in appreciation, but before he could even get a word out, a young man seemingly appeared beside him. The man had bright green eyes with brown hair. He wore a dark blue suit, and He looked up at Damien, seemingly looking at all of his features before commenting, "Meh, I don't know about that, William, he's alright. I suppose he could be a tad more gifted in the... y'know... everything."

"Now, now, Andrew. Don't be mean to the chap." Jameson murmured towards his brother as he moved closer to the entryway, his English accent coming out strongly. Andrew giggled, and Damien rolled his eyes at his friend. The two brothers or the group were always the most different- yet worked the best together. It was no wonder out of their whole family, the two were requested by Mark to come to the Christmas Eve Party. That's partially why they'd been staying at Damien's large scale home over the weekend- and the other reason being that they lived so far away that William and Damien got excessively lonely without their- albeit annoying- company. Damien motioned towards the door as Andrew stumbled with his shoes, "Shall we be off then?"

"We shall."

[A Short While Later]

"Look, Damien, mistletoe!" Andrew exclaimed, looking upwards the holly hung just above the doorway. Damien chuckled softly as Andrew jumped onto his toes and gently pecked the other's cheek. William watched, eyes widening as he quickly moved the two away and tried to coax Jameson beside him. However, the smaller wouldn't bite, and laughed quietly at his antics. Damien gently shoved William aside and knocked loudly on the door to the manor. After a few seconds, a man wearing a red suit and tie opened up the door, grinning as he drew his fingers through his hair, "Damien, William! How great it is to see you! I see you've brought your dates?"

"Good to see you too, Mark." Andrew muttered, clearly not happy with the comment- even if he had just kissed Damien. Looking to handle the situation before Andrew said or did something to get them kicked out before they were even invited inside, Damien smiled kindly, "It's great to see you, Mark. Is everyone else here already?"

"Despite you showing up early, yes. I guess that's just what will happen when the Mayor decides to attend a party such as mine." Mark smirked, and Damien nodded slightly, gingerly taking Andrew's hand and leading him inside as Mark parted for them. However, he put himself in the doorway once more as William and Jameson neared. He lowered his voice just slightly, "I hope you don't mind, I did invite Celine. You two get along well, don't you?"

"Darling." Jameson urged, his grip on William's arm firm. William gritted his teeth, glowering as the two pushed past their host of the evening. Jameson glanced up at William as the two made their way through bodies greeting them with friendly faces. He leaned in, whispering, "Don't let him get to you tonight, please. It'd be a pity to have to leave early just because of Celine, don't you think? Just try to get along- at least for Damien's sake?"

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