The Debate (JBM x Chase)

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Jackaboy and Chase were laying on the grass beside each other, holding hands and staring at the clouds.

Chase pointed up at one, "Look, a bunny!"

Jackaboy tilted his head, "No... that's a crocodile."

Chase gasped, sitting up, "A crocodile?!"

Jackaboy sat up too, "Yeah, see its tail?"

"No, it's holding a carrot in its mouth." Chase argued.

Jackaboy looked around the sky before pointing at another one, "Okay smarty-pants, what's that one?"

Chase looked to where Jackaboy was pointing, "It looks like Batman."

"That's Superman!" Jackaboy yelled, explaining every detail.

"I guess I only see the better beings." Chase grinned, and Jackaboy jumped up to his feet, "Superman is better than Batman."

Chase got up too, "Prove it."

Jackaboy grinned, "I will."

Jackaboy used his superspeed to run inside the house, grabbing two costumes.

He came back out, wearing a Superman costume, and handed Chase the Batman costume.

"So that's how it's gonna be, huh?" Chase ran inside, quickly changed, and rushed back out.

"Batman's better because he has a Cave." Chase started.

"Superman's better because he has a legit planet."

"It blew up."


"Anyway, Batman has a sidekick."

"And Superman is better because he doesn't."

"But you have a partner! Who has a sidekick!"

"And Silver Shepard is not better than me."

Jackaboy put his fist in the air, flying up, then yelling down, "Superman can fly!"

Chase searched his utility belt to find a grappling hook. He shot it to the roof, gliding up with it, yelling, "But this is cooler!"

Jackaboy flew over so he was inches away from Chase's face, "Is not!"

"Is to!"

"Is not!"

"Is to!"



Suddenly a pair of lips smashed onto Chase's, and he melted into the kiss, enjoying every second of it.

When they separated, Jackaboy smiled, "Maybe that was cooler, but Superman is the better kisser."

Chase pulled Jackaboy forward kissing him again. They pulled apart a moment later.

"I disagree."


"Jackaboy is a much better kisser."


Which do you prefer Batman or Superman?

I hope you enjoyed this One-Shot like I enjoyed writing it!

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