My Fair Prince (Prinxiety)

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"Darling, darling. I am a prince! I can't be bothered with your constant needs!" Roman called as he stalked down the hallway past a girl calling his name and looking rather annoyed.

"It's over, princess!!" Roman screamed back to her as he walked into the room and slammed the door behind him before the girl could follow him.

"Another princess not good enough to suit you, sir?" A servant boy, who was washing the floors, asked with a slight smirk in his voice.

Roman sighed, "Everyone knows how much girls irritate me. They all want more and more. They don't realise I'm not into them!"

"Ah yes. That must be very difficult. To have everybody in love with you all the time." The boy muttered.

Roman rose an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

The boy glanced over, "I apologize, your magesty. I was not thinking straight."

"I see..." Roman studied him up and down, "What's your name, boy?"

"It's-" The boy was cut off as the king stormed into the room.

"Servant boy!" The king called, "Scrub the floors!"

The servant stood up, grabbing his bucket of soapy water and his towel, "Yes sir."

With that, the boy left the room and into the hallway.

"Son, what have I told you about socializing with lowerclassmen?" The king asked, his voice like a booming thunder.

"Not to do it?" Roman suggested quietly.

"Not to do it!" The king agreed.

"But Remus dresses like a servant and you make me talk to him." Roman retorted, crossing his arms.

"Your brother is a duke, Roman! He's in the next castle, anyway. And he doesn't talk to servants! He chats with princesses. Like you should!" The king growled.

Roman heaved a sigh, "I told you. I don't like them. They're all so needy!"

"Of course they are!" The king laughed, his deep chuckle making Roman worried.

After a moment of laughter, the king continued, "Roman, they all are like that. I married your mother, after all! But look, once they become your queen, you'll realise how lucky you are."

Roman looked to the ground sadly, "Alright..."

"Now, off you go! Princesses are waiting!" The king ushered him away, and he traveled into the hall.

As he closed the door behind him, he muttered, "Stupid princesses..."

He walked along the hallway, deep in thought, "Why can't a prince marry whoever? Even a guy?"

He stopped and shook his head at the idea, "No... Father won't allow it..."

Roman started walking again, moving up to the door that lead to his bedroom.

It was slightly ajar, causing Roman to raise an eyebrow, "I swear I shut the door..."

There was the sound of scuffling inside, as well as very quiet whispers of cursing.

Roman frowned, putting his hand on the doorknob and turning it, pushing open the door.

His room was completely as it had been before, large and grand. He glanced around, calling out, "Hello? Who was in here?"

After no answer came, Roman reached for his sword laying on top of a low shelf. He wrapped his fingers around the handle, holding the weapon out in front of him.

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