Pink Freak (Dark x Wilford)

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This was suggested by RandomGayShipTrash Hope you like it!

Dark walked next to Wilford along the path, where other groups of people were having fun as well.

"-and then he brang me to his little station or whatever and started to interrogate me, but what he didn't know is that he was already dead!"

Will was currently talking about one of the wildest nights he ever had, but Dark was only half-listening.

"Hey, Will," Dark interrupted, noticing a snack cart near the path, "I'm going to go get us some food, you stay here, okay?"

Will nodded, "Sure, Darkypoo."

Dark walked off to go get food, and Will walked towards a bench, sitting on it and texting his best friend, Jameson.

"Hey, Pinky!" A loud voice came from above him. Will looked up from his phone to see two men walking up to him.

One had black hair and brown eyes and was wearing a long sleeved grey sweater and matching grey pants with black pumas. The other had blonde hair with hazel eyes, and was wearing a tye-dye sweatshirt and black jeans, with white converse.

Will smiled warmly to the two, "May I... help you?"

"We were just looking for the carnival." Tye-Dye snickered.

"I'm sorry?"

"The circus, ya freak. Aren't you a part of it?" Sweater laughed.

"I'm afraid not, you've got the wrong guy." Will said, turning to look back at his phone, but the men still stood there.

"I wonder who the freak could possibly be texting, eh Jacob?" Tye-Dye wondered.

"Yeah, how can you text somebody when you have no friends? I didn't think it was possible, Ryan." Jacob questioned.

Will furrowed his brow, confused why the men were content on bugging him, but also hurt by their words.

"Fine. I'll play your game, freak. Why would anybody with a sense of anything ever wear that?" Ryan said.

Will glanced down at his yellow polo, pink suspenders, brown khakis, pink bow tie, and slightly high-heeled, pink sparkly boots that he loved.

"It's just my clothes." Will pointed out, and both men laughed, Jacob saying, "You dress like you're a freak, and you are one."

Will looked at the ground, tears threatening to spill out.

"No. He's not a freak. He's a monster." Ryan chuckled evily.

"Excuse me!" A voice said from behind the two men.

The men turned to see Dark standing there, holding cotton candy and a few packs of chocolate.

"Pinky's got a boyfriend, huh? Must be a monster too." Ryan laughed, but suddenly, he was pushed against a tree beside the path.

"You ever insult Will again, and I'll kill you, got it?" Dark hissed.

Ryan nodded quickly, and Dark cracked his neck, punching him in the nose, and there was a loud crunching sound.

Dark let go of Ryan, who ran off, followed quickly by Jacob, who was literally quaking.

"Darky..." Will spoke up after they were gone.

"Yes, Will?"

"Am I a freak?"

Dark shook his head quickly, "Of course not. Those two were just bully's. But I'll be here to stop idiots like them."

Dark sat down next to Will on the bench, cuddling closer to him and laying a head on his shoulder, whispering, "But even if you were a freak, you'd be my freak."


I loved writing this one-shot, it was so sweet! Remember, if any of you have any suggestions, I'll take them!

But school is taking up a lot of my time, so... that might get in the way of junk.

Anyways, buh bye!

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