The Unwanted (Marvin x Anti)

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Marvin lay on his stomach in his bed, reading "The Alchemyst" by Michael Scott, which he had owned since it first was written.

There was a short knock on the door, and without lifting his head, the door opened on his command. Anti stormed in his room, sitting by Marvin on his bed.

"What's up Anti?" Marvin asked, looking up at his glitching boyfriend.

"Nothing." Anti muttered laying next to his boyfriend.

"What happened this time?" Marvin groaned, closing his book and wrapping an arm around Anti.

Anti growled, "It's that stupid doctor! I was in there with Jackieboyman, trying to get my wounds stitched up, and the doctor told me not to come in here anymore!"

Marvin sighed, "Why?"

Anti hesitated, glitching nervously, "I may be the one who got JBM to be in the infirmary in the first place..."

Marvin sighed, sitting up, Anti following his movements. They were quiet for a moment before Marvin spoke up, "Do you want me to fix your wounds?"

Anti nodded graciously, "Thanks, babe."

Marvin stood, retrieving his wand from his nightstand, pointing it at Anti and healing the damage instantly.

"Thank you, Marvy!" Anti squealed with delight.

Marvin kissed his boyfriends nose lightly, "Of course, my little glitch."

Anti flinched at the nickname, and looked to the floor, "You don't know how it feels to be the... the monster."

Marvin sat next to Anti, embracing him in his arms, "I do, Anti. I really do."

Anti raised an eyebrow, "How?"

Marvin pointed to the mask he was wearing, "You've never seen me without this, have you?"

Anti shook his head, "No, but you don't-"

Marvin cut him off, "It's fine. It's about time, we've been dating for almost a year, after all, and we've known each other for so many more."

Marvin took a deep breath, taking off the mask and waiting for Anti to react.

Anti was silent, reaching a hand out to touch his face. He had the four symbols on his forehead engraved there, it looked like it was burned onto his skin.

He had scars all along his face the looked fairly old. He touched the diamond on his forehead, and Marvin winced at the touch.

"You're beautiful, Marvy." Anti whispered.

Marvin's eyes widened at the compliment, "What?"

"You heard me, you're my boyfriend, do you think a few scars would change my attitude?" Anti smirked, and Marvin shyly nodded.

"Have you seen the giant gash along my neck?" Anti laughed, and Marvin chuckled along.

Anti put his lips on Marvin's giving him a long, passionate kiss. When they separated, both men were blushing.

"Listen, nobody loved me, you're the only person who saw all this, a demon and a monster, and asked me out on a date." Anti pointed out, his tone turning serious.

"Nobody wanted me, I thought if you saw this, you'd-" Anti cut Marvin off.

"Marvin, you're my boyfriend, if you're unwanted, I'll join you." Anti said, resting his lips against Marvin.

Both men's minds forgot about everything for just a moment, focusing on each other's company.


Next One-Shot will hopefully be either Randall x Yan or Dr. Iplier x Dr. Schneeplestein.

I did this one in like 10 minutes, I haven't had time to do really anything, so short ones without a lot of thought have been kind of what life's been for me.

Also, I'm listening to the entire Hamilton Soundtrack and I am seriously concerned seeing as this is the 23rd time I have listened to all 46 songs.

Anyway, peace out y'all ✌️


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