Hunger (Robbie)

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Robbie craved meat. No, it didn't have to be human, he just was hungry. The egos had a good way of feeding him, too.

They would put out a plate of meat through a hole in the door, and Robbie would scarf it down, confirming he was full before they let him out of his room.

They kept a collar around his neck, so if he lunged at anybody, they could send an electric shock through him to stop him.

It almost was surprising Jack let him stay, but Dr. Schneeplestein promised he was under control. For the most part, he was.

At least, that's what they believed.

"He has not broken ze collar, we just need the remote. JJ?" The doctor asked as the egos were scattered along the walls of the living room, trying both to stay away from the growling zombie in the middle of the room, and trying to stop him from leaving.

JJ nodded, nervously jumping off  the couch before sprinting out of the room silently, so as not to disturb Robbie.

"Anti? Don't you have a way to save us?" Chase called.

"I'm a demon, my kind doesn't deal with these creatures. So you're on your own, suckers." Anti said as he glitched out of view.

"Jackaboy?" Chase bit his lip.

"Uh... I'm bulletproof, not zombie-proof." Jackaboy called from where he was clawing at the ceiling.

"You're not even that!" Marvin hissed from underneath the couch.

As he said that, JJ returned with the remote, tossing it to Chase, who failed to catch it, but Jackaboy dove, grabbing it before it hit the ground, and flying back up, passing the remote to Henrik.

Henrik glanced over it, pressing the bright orange button and instantly, Robbie fell, weakened by the object.

"Help me, ve need to take him upstairs to his room, and we need quick meat." Henrik instructed, grabbing one of Robbie arms and putting it over his shoulder, as Jackaboy did the same with the other arm and his shoulder.

JJ and Chase stayed to locate the meat, while Marvin followed Robbie, Jackaboy, and Henrik.

They successfully locked Robbie in his room, and Chase found some steak in the fridge, raw, as he brang it up with JJ. After Robbie had gotten his food, they heard loud chomping and slurping from the room.

And a second later, a timid, almost embarrassed voice muttered, "Robbie full. Thank... you..."

All egos smiled, knowing fully what they got into when they said yes to keeping him, and they were willing to take everything that came with him- good and bad.

Out of the JSE egos, Robbie is definitely up there as a favourite, but he's still less than JJ.

Sorry Chapters are taking so long, school and stuff is really taking over.

Love y'all 💚

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