Dark Side Lovers (Deceit x Remus)

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Deceit sat on his bed, reading a book with his pet cobra slithering around him. He gently patted it's scales absentmindedly.

There was a knock at the door, followed by a voice, "Oh Deceit~"

Deceit rolled his eyes, "Come in, Remus!"

Remus opened the door, walking into the room and sitting on the bed, Deceit's snake slithering under the bed.

Deceit didn't look up from his book as he spoke, "Darling, what is it?"

Remus giggled, taking Deceit's hat off of him and tossing it aside, "You should cuddle with me~"

Deceit sighed, "I'm busy right now."

Remus took the book out of Deceit's hand, closing it, "No reading. That's Logan's thing. And I refuse you to be anything like Roman's friends."

Deceit sighed, crossing his arms, "Fine. And I think you mean Logan-"

Remus put a finger up to Deceit's lips, shushing him, "Shh, don't speak."

Deceit pouted, and Remus gently brang his hand to Deceit's scales, rubbing his thumb over them. The snake boy couldn't help but smiling at the soft action of his boyfriend.

Remus smirked, leaning in to kiss him, Deceit returning to action. Their kiss lasted for a few moments before they both leaned back from it.

Remus grinned, "Let's go throw rocks at birds! That's always fun."

Deceit rolled his eyes, but let Remus drag him to the window. The mustached man opened it up, crawling out onto the roof.

Deceit followed a moment later, them both sitting on the roof next to each other. Deceit looked up at the sky in awe, which had colors of a sunset.

Remus winked at Deceit, "I knew you'd like this."

Deceit nodded some, still entranced by the beautiful sky that was peeking out above the trees. Remus reached to the side of him, grabbing a white rose with a smol yellow and green garter snake wrapped around the stem.

Deceit looked back to Remus, eyes wide, "For me?"

Remus nodded, handing Deceit the rose. The garter snake immediately wrapped itself around Deceit's wrist like a bracelet.

Deceit smiled, blushing slightly, "Thanks Remus..."

Remus nodded some, both looking back to the sky, their hands now intertwined with each other.


Sorry it's been a while since I did a one-shot... Or anything really. I did this quickly, so it's not really.....good.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed anyway!

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