More Than Bros (Chase x Bing)

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(A/N- One-Shot #2. Contains adorableness. And a small bit of fluff)

Chase had always been the type of person to help out a fellow bro- even if that bro happened to be an Android.

Chase never imagined starting to have feelings towards a guy, especially after all of his ex's had been girls.

When Stacy ordered a divorce and took his two wonderful kids with him, he immediately went to the park. Why? It had been their first date together, a nice picnic on the grass during a cool, autumn day. The perfect place for the two of them.

Recently, however, the city had added a skatepark for the teens of the city that didn't really have much to do.

Chase found himself wandering over, his life on autopilot, as it had been for the past couple months.

"Bing! Bro, you good?!" Somebody called, snapping him out of his thoughts.

He glanced over, and saw a man laying on the ground, unconscious, and a abandoned board lying upside down next to him on the ramp.

Chase rushed over, tapping them man on the cheek gently. Slowly, his eyes opened behind his sunglasses, flickering to life.

He sat up, shaking his head mumbling, "Auditory system online. Touch systems online. Taste systems online. Visual systems online. All sensors: Detecting human. Chase William Brody. Age: 29. Height: 5'8."

Chase gasped, realization hitting him, this was an Android!

"Hey, bro... are you okay?" Chase wondered, his hand brushing against the Robot's.

"Yeah dude, sorry for that. Just something us Android's do. Can't help it. The name's Bing. I take it you are Chase?" Bing stuck his hand out and Chase shook it gently.

"I suppose I shouldn't kickflip off a ramp, anytime soon, huh?" Bing laughed, standing up.

"It seemed like a good try though, bro." Chase chuckled along as Bing grabbed his board.

"Wanna walk with me?" Bing asked, and Chase, having nothing else to pass his time, accepted the offer.

Chase and Bing became really good friends after that, talking about skateboarding stuff and trickshots. They both taught each other a little something.

Eventually, Chase started having feelings for Bing, which he understood none of. Bing, even though he was a Android, would feel a surge of happiness whenever he was around Chase.

One day, while they were walking down a path, Chase said something he'd never thought he would.

"Ro-bro?" Chase asked, and Bing looked over at him, his golden eyes flashing, "Yeah, Trickshot?"

"Have you ever... liked a guy before?"

"I mean, kind of. I had another Android boyfriend before. Google. He was amazing, but... we got into a fight. He upgraded and scolded me for being me. I don't have the ability in me to upgrade. It... It scares me, Chase." Bing explained, his eyes going hazy as he remembered.

"What about a... human... guy?" Chase nervously twiddled his thumbs.

"Well..." Bing stopped, and Chase froze with him. Bing lightly touched Chase's chin, and pulled him towards his face.

They were only a few centimeters away from their lips touching and Bing continued, "Would it be bad if I like you, Trickshot?"

Chase hesitated before answering, "Would it be bad I like you too, Ro-bro?"

When the two lips met, golden sparks buzzed off Bing's mouth, a vibrating sensation given to Chase, which scared him at first, but he grew quite in love with the feeling.

When they spread apart, Bing's eyes were wide and lively, a beautiful combination of brown with sunshine yellow flecks.

"I take it that was your first kiss with a human?" Chase smirked.

"Yeah... Was it not good?" Bing wondered.

"No, it was awesome, dude. It was my first kiss with an Android." Chase smiled, and Bing laughed.

Chase extended his hand to Bing, who took it. They walked together along the path once again.

They needed each other. Even if one was Android and the other was Human. But they loved each other.

That was all that mattered.


Okay, I know this isn't a very "huge" ship, but I think it's cute! They are both Bros, so they go really well together!

Anyway, Peace out y'all ✌️


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