Markiplier TV.... 2? (All Iplier Egos)

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"You don't think it will be suspicious Mark decided to go and put all of us in a video, do you?" Illinois whispered to Yancy, currently adjusting his hat on his head. Yancy was putting a bandage on top of a cut on his face, staring in a mirror on the wall to do so.

"I dunno. Heist got views. That uh... TV show they did went well, didn't it?" Yancy pointed out, glancing to the other.

"Quiet on set!" Google yelled at them, eyes glowing a bright blue as he glared in their direction, holding a clapperboard scribbled on with chalk marking the scene: Scene 1.

"Go on out there, son. Don't make me tell you again." Derek growled from beside the large green screen, pushing his son into the middle of it.

Eric stumbled, before catching his balance and standing on the blue tape on the ground marking his spot. He reached into his pocket, ringing the yellow handkerchief in his hands, "H-h-hi, I'm E-e-eric..."

Randall stood behind the camera, making large motions with his hands and trying to reassure the boy silently. Yan stood beside him, fumbling with large cue cards with the script sharpied on. King was currently holding the boom mic and licking peanut butter off his hands.

Eric glanced around the room nervously at the group of egos there watching him, "Uh... M-markiplier f-fans! G-g-get m-merch... Uhm..."

"Cut!" Google called out, sighing deeply in frustration as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Eric instantly hurried past the green screen, moving to Randall, Yan, and King, who desperately tried comforting him.

"Let's just move onto Scene 2." Randall suggested as Eric shook with fear in his friends arms. Google grumbled under his breath, wiping the chalk off the clapperboard.

"Ooh! My scene!" Bing yelled with a grin as he jogged into the green screen view from where he had previously been behind the camera.

"When's my scene?" Dr. Iplier complained from where he was sitting behind the cameras. Silver gently patted his shoulder with one of his gloves.

"Can we hurry this up? The babies won't wait forever!" Ed called to Google, who looked as if he wanted to strangle the cowboy ego.

"Woah, woah. Let's calm down," Bim advised them, "After all, I'm Bim Trimmer, and I haven't gotten my scene yet either."

"SHUT UP!" Google screamed at them, causing everybody to stop and stay quiet. The Host, who was managing the cameras somehow, smirked at Google's outburst.

"Scene Two: Take One." Google mumbled, sending a quick sneer towards Host as he clicked the clapperboard down.

Bing grinned to the camera, "'Sup my dudes! It's Bing, your favourite ego."

A small scoff came from Ed, but Bing continued nonetheless, "I'm gonna show you some of my favourite skateboarding moves. Feel free to try this at home, dudes!"

Randall tossed Bing the skateboard, which the android caught with one hand, placing it on the ground. Just as he was about to get on it, the door to the set room burst open.

Google groaned, dropping the clapperboard and walking through the back door, slamming it behind him. Mark walked through the front one, looking around at them all with a smile, "How's the filming going, guys?"

"The Host would like Mark to know it had been a complete disaster." Host informed nonchalantly.

"I thought it went well." Bing grinned happily, and the others shook their heads slowly. Mark glanced around as he spoke, "I think that's because not all of you are here."

"Captain Magnum was busy," Illinois told him, "And Google just walked out."

Mark nodded, "I knew that already. I meant, like... Jims? Dark? Wilford?"

"Those idiot twins are outside." Derek crossed his arms, glancing towards the backdoor, "Didn't want them in here until their part. At least King can keep quiet."

King glanced over, confusion written on his face, "I am King of the squirrels."

Mark frowned, "That still doesn't explain Dark or Will."

"I've been summoned!" Wilford yelled as he suddenly appeared beside Bing in a cloud of pink smoke. Bing jumped, placing a hand to his chest, "Don't do that, dude!"

"You don't even have a heart, Bing." Silver muttered, but the android only shrugged in response.

"Wilford, where were you?" Mark demanded, and the pink ego only shrugged defensively, "Busy."

"He was stuffing his face with cotton candy." Dark explained, walking out from the shadows.

"How do they do that..." Yancy whispered, Illinois shrugging to his friend, "I'm not sure. We gotta learn how to do that."

"Why exactly are we doing this for you?" Dark demanded, moving closer to Mark, who backed up slightly, "You want my channel?"

"That was a question." Dark informed, a smirk pulling up the corners of his mouth at Mark's fear.

"Damien, calm down. Let's play his game. Could be fun!" Wilford called towards Dark, a grin on his face as he looked into the camera and made a pose.

"I suppose if Will would like to stay, I will as well." Dark mumbled, and Mark smiled, "Cool! Google and Bing have the scripts in their drives. Get ready for Markiplier TV 2!"


It's been a bit, hasn't it? Just wanted to post sOmEtHiNg.

It's not exactly a One-Shot. I mean it is, but...

Whatevs. I hope you all are doing okay with this whole quarintine thing. If you need to talk, I'm here ❤️.

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